Challenge Overview
Welcome to the Brilliant Career - Set up prototype with AngularJS contest. As part of this contest, you will create an AngularJS application using a UI Prototype.
Project Overview
GE Brilliant Career Labs wants to build a website to help students navigate their way into a STEM career using multiple resources aggregated into one simple, information site. The first phase will build out the initial website, allowing students to register, gather information and fill out modules to help them develop their soft skills.
Contest Details
We recently concluded a UI prototype contest where we built part of the user interface. We want you to take this prototype and create an AngularJS application out of it. In the process, kindly note the following points:
- You need to provide Login and Registration feature. Since there isn’t a backend yet, we want you to make use of the $httpBackend service.
- Since the application does not yet have many components and the app will still be mostly static apart from the Login and Registration features (which will be components of their own), you do not have much effort involved here. However, understand that the folder structure will have to reflect that. Each component will have its own folder under which you can easily locate the corresponding template, controller, directives etc.
- We want you to follow the John Papa AngularJS style guide for this project.
- We also want you to use Eslint for this project and use the angularjs plugin with it.
- Please make use of bower for installing the front end dependencies
- Some features in the prototype are achieved using jQuery. Kindly ensure that you embed the jQuery code inside a directive and implement the feature through a directive. Also, instead of using the jQuery global, please make use of the angularjs equivalent of angular.element. At the end of it, there should be no jQuery code. Everything should be under AngularJS’s domain
- The mock HTTP backend is temporary. We are parallely developing the backend and thus ensure that we can easily switch it off or remove it altogether and replace it with the actual backend with minimal effort.
- You are expected to use grunt or gulp to set up a build and deploy process. It primarily should have minification of the javascript code and deployment of the app locally.
Supporting Files
We will provide you with the UI Prototype and the Design on which it is based.