Challenge Overview
Describe what you want to accomplish.
A previous challenge has implemented a set of REST APIs for handling video assets, including storing them and managing them (create, retrieve, update, delete). This challenge will add some new live TV scrapers.
Existing API
The existing Node application and deployment details are in Gitlab, and the URL to the repository can be found in the forum.
Live TV scrapers
This challenge will add new Live TV scrapers for:
Bloomberg US:
* Web URL:
* Video URL:
Existing API
The existing Node application and deployment details are in Gitlab, and the URL to the repository can be found in the forum.
Live TV scrapers
This challenge will add new Live TV scrapers for:
Bloomberg US:
* Web URL:
* Video URL:
Bloomberg Europe:
* Web URL:
* Video URL: Europe stream
* Web URL:
* Video URL: Europe stream
Bloomberg Asia:
* Web URL:
* Video URL: Asia stream
France 24:
* Web URL:
* Video URL:
* Web URL:
* Video URL:���
Make sure the README is updated with verification information about the new features and configuration information so they can be easily added.
Unit tests
As with the other scrapers, unit tests are required for these new changes.
Heroku deploy
Make sure the Heroku deployment information is up-to-date and that you keep the package.json up to date as well. Don't expect the deployment to be anything other than "npm install" / "npm start" locally and "git push heroku master" for Heroku deployment.
Submission format
Your submission should be provided as a Git patch file against the commit hash mentioned in the forum. MAKE SURE TO TEST YOUR PATCH FILE!