Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview
Welcome to the John Hancock Mobile enhancement challenge. We will add some new features in this challenge.
Task Detail
#1 Change interaction mechanism of "bad food" in chop-chop mini-game
Remove chopping from bad foods. Make user allow them to pass. We want the user to be able to let them fall through the screen without losing points. If the user chops any part of a bad food, lose a life
Implement feature to prevent overlapping of bad food and good food, Ensure that it is not possible for a healthy food and an unhealthy food to pass the chop line at the same time,update the item generation mechanism:
1) for multiple items generation, if the first item is bad food, then the other items are bad, if the first item is good food, then the other items are good food, if the first item is powerup item, then no other items
2)all the items move in the same speed (the current global speed)
#9 Triva: update color of the correct and incorrect  icons
correct icon, update from red to green
incorrect icon, update from green to red
#11 Add "Bashboard" to sub-menu
check image here
#18 update hearts
Remove hearts from Vitality Check mini-game. All other mini-games should only have 3 hearts, not 5.Remove hearts from Vitality Check mini-game. All other mini-games should only have 3 hearts, not 5, so for the vitality check mini-game, if the hearts are removed, is the game only ended when time is up
check image here
#21 Increase the difficulty over time for the Runner game
The user keeps playing this game until he/she is out of lives, therefore it should get more difficult the longer they play. The game ends when they lose all 3 lives.
try to increase the probability of obstacle items over time
#23 update gold icon next to points in the HUD
The Gold icon next to points in the HUD should reflect the user's status. i.e. if the user is Bronze status, the icon should be Bronze color and have a B, not a G. ($25)
If need be(add a config entry: enablePointsStatusIcon, false by default), the icon can be placed with the following - depending on the user's status.
#24 Non-food related objects should be falling in Vitality Check mini-game
check these items
these items are powerup items, they will make the index lower
#19 Update all Game Over screens with the new designs
chop-chop & vitality check
trivia & runner
about chop-chop, show iPhone_Chopchop-06.png when success, show iPhone_Chopchop-07.png when fail, the old icon to show iPhone_Chopchop-08.png should still be kept
#7 Vitality Check: At game start, default meter between Not In Range and In Range
Replace Vitality Check score tracker with new design so it shows "In Range" and "Out of Range" (the old is low/normal/high). When the game starts, the meter should default between Out Of Range and In Range, check above design and the image
#14 Update Trivia Intro screen. Use the new design below, not the one with the category wheel
check above design and image
after "Play" is clicked, select a random category to continue
Documents Provided
Ideal doc
Design spec and assets
Code of previous challenge to start
Technical Requirement
Please use Cocos Creator (The latest version is 1.2.0) to build, you could find its documentation at
Please focus on the mobile version first, the multi resolution support feature of cocos2d will help us with the desktop version later
Please use Texture Packer( to pack texture for similar assets and please add the Texture Packer project in your submission
Important Notes
It is a gaming challenge, there are many details, if you are not clear please ask in the forum as early as possible, any assumptions without confirmation may not be accepted
Native build should work for iOS and Android.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a zip file containing your source code to Topcoder Online Review. Include a deployment/setup guide, and documentation pertaining to the classes developed.


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055347