Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview



Our client is developing an application that will be used in the HBGDki intiative (Healthy Birth, Growth, and Development knowledge integration). The application provides several different modes of analysis / data exploration, one of which uses a version of the Earth project globe for data visualization. This globe will be embedded into their larger application (in an iFrame). The client wishes to add additional capabilities to the Earth map, however, would like to do so outside of their overall application. To achieve that, we're starting with a small challenge to establish a base application with the Earth code - future challenges will be built off of this base code. Once complete, it will be re-integrated back into their overall application.


Challenge Objectives


The goal of this challenge is to get the Earth code up and running in a new HTML5 frame. This will serve as the base for all work going forward. The map itself will be used inside an IFrame (or similar) in an existing client app. Over the course of the next several challenges, we'll be adding to and enhancing this Map with new features.


Challenge Details


There is no design for this challenge, we need a simple HTML5 "container" with the globe application embedded. The code can be found in the Earth project, located on Github.


Both the nodejs backend and front-end display page should be included in your submission.

No modifications to the Earth code should be made at this time (if you feel it's needed - please discuss in the forums).

Please keep the encompassing HTML5 page as simple as possible.

Must be deployable to Heroku


Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines


Include a zip file containing your submission

Include a deployment guide

Include a link to a working Heroku instance demonstrating your submission



2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055576