Hercules Facebook Live App - Updates to avoid device registration

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Detailed Requirements 

We are working on a new project for the Hercules client for Facebook Live integration into an app that will be displayed on TVs.  This challenge will update the initial proof of concept to tweak how we make API requests and avoid having to register devices.

Heroku / Node.js

This app will target deployment to Heroku using Node.js.  

Facebook Authentication

Right now, we require users to authenticate to Facebook using a device key and their logged in Facebook account.  We'd like to get away from that and get to a point where we can load most videos without requiring login.

We did some preliminary investigation here:  https://gitlab.com/hercules-facebook-live/facebook-live-http/issues/29

The goal for this challenge is to update the application to use the app token instead of the user token for the API requests, with these minor changes:

1.  Instead of showing the device pairing screen, we'll immediately go to the main UI
2.  We will remove the "My Live Videos" section because that requires user authentication
3.  Any new services need to be properly encapsulated and rely on an APP_TOKEN environmental variable.  The new service needs to be completely separate from the old service that required user authentication
4.  The rest of the UI, and how we configure and browse the app, should remain the same, or at least as close as possible

Submission requirements

Your submission should be provided as a Git patch file against the commit hash mentioned in the forum.  MAKE SURE TO TEST YOUR PATCH FILE!
No video is required for this challenge 

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see above


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30055951