Challenge Overview
Welcome to the Engage Together® - Collaborative Communities Survey Tool site implementation challenge, brought to you by Deloitte Pixel™! The overall goal of this project is to build a site for a survey tool that is currently included in an app for Engage Together® - a non-profit organization which fights human trafficking.
We’ve just wrapped up a prototype challenge for the Collaborative Communities survey tool and the winning prototype submission is attached in the challenge forums.
As part of this challenge, we want to achieve the following 2 major objectives
- Convert the provided UI prototype code into a site using Visualforce.
- Hook up the UI prototype code to the provided data model (unmanaged package link available in forums)
Data Model
Organization is the primary object and it links with other scope objects using junction objects. Detailed notes are provided in the forums. Please ask in the forums if you need any clarifications.
Additional Forum Assets
- We are also providing a screen by screen mapping of each UI element to the corresponding object field in the forums.
- Also provided is test data for the proposed data model. Please use the tool to load the provided data into your developer org (NOTE - you might only be able to load up to 5 MB data due to developer org limits)
Final Submission Guidelines
Please provide the following
- Unmanaged package
- Source code zip
- Deployment Guide including configuration and verification information
- Demo video (functional walkthough + code walkthough)
- Tour site URL as part of your submission (MANDATORY)