Challenge Overview
A previous challenge has implemented a set of REST APIs for handling video assets, including storing them and managing them (create, retrieve, update, delete). This challenge will document a continuous integration setup.
Existing API
The existing Node application and deployment details are in Gitlab, and the URL to the repository can be found in the forum.
Please make a new "" file that includes details and steps for setting up Gitlab CI.
Unit tests
Unit tests are not required for this challenge, but the existing unit tests need to run in the CI environment.
Existing API
The existing Node application and deployment details are in Gitlab, and the URL to the repository can be found in the forum.
Currently, we use magnum-ci for our continuous integration of the TVWebApps codebase. At every checkin, Magnum CI downloads the latest code, installs the dependencies, runs the tests, and then deploys to a configured Heroku server. This challenge will investigate and document a setup using Gitlab CI instead:
Your documentation and tested setup needs to cover configuring Gitlab CI to do these steps on every check-in:
* Get the code
Current setup
The current setup in Magnum CI is as follows, for the master branch on
Environmental variables:
Currently, we use magnum-ci for our continuous integration of the TVWebApps codebase. At every checkin, Magnum CI downloads the latest code, installs the dependencies, runs the tests, and then deploys to a configured Heroku server. This challenge will investigate and document a setup using Gitlab CI instead:
Your documentation and tested setup needs to cover configuring Gitlab CI to do these steps on every check-in:
* Get the code
* Install the dependencies
* Run the tests and lint
* Send a message to a Slack channel on success or failure
* Send a message to a Slack channel on success or failure
* Deploy to Heroku if tests pass
Current setup
The current setup in Magnum CI is as follows, for the master branch on
Environmental variables:
HEROKU_APPNAME=tvnews1-deploy-test HEROKU_TOKEN={my Heroku deploy token} YOUTUBE_KEY={my Youtube token} NPM_TOKEN={npm token for internal npm - in forum} Before installation steps: nvm install v6 nvm use v6 sudo apt-get install python-software-properties -y sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8 -y sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 50 sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 50 gcc --version
Dependencies installation:
npm install
Test suite:npm test
Slack and Heroku are both configured as additional addons / deployments in Magnum CIREADME
Please make a new "" file that includes details and steps for setting up Gitlab CI.
Unit tests
Unit tests are not required for this challenge, but the existing unit tests need to run in the CI environment.
Submission format
Your submission should be provided as a Git patch file against the commit hash mentioned in the forum. MAKE SURE TO TEST YOUR PATCH FILE!
Your submission should be provided as a Git patch file against the commit hash mentioned in the forum. MAKE SURE TO TEST YOUR PATCH FILE!