Topcoder Direct - Fixes For Close Private Challenge Immediately

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Previously In Topcoder Direct - Close Private Challenge Immediately, we have created initial implemenation, but we found several issues with current implemenation. 

This challenge is going to fix them to make it work properly.

When creating a private challenge and close it by assigning a member, and after online review's autopilot  mark the challenge completed. we found several issues.

1.  The submission record does not have the placement or the prize_id set.
2.  There is no project_results record getting generated. I'm not sure if this happens after the review phase closes, or if autopilot does it when it closes the challenge.
3.  There are no review for the submission

So for this challenge, we'd like to improve it by integrating testing with online review.

we'd like to add the logic like

1. after the logic about uploading the fake submission, add logic to create review for fake submission, you can check, there are similar logic.
2. mark the submission and review phases closed (already implemented).
3. wait and let the online review autopilot closes the challenge, verifying that the winner and payment are properly set, please check Online Review application and database.
4. add the logic to mark the challenge completed as following 

Add these lines on closeSoftwareContest
projectManager.updateProject(contest, "close contest", String.valueOf(tcSubject.getUserId()));

and verify that autopilot can select the winner and payments properly, if yes, please add the above logic, if not, let's keep the current implementation to let autopilot to the post-completion jobs.

5. For Private challenges, it is supported for F2F challenge type and Design F2 challenge type, please make sure the logic is working properly for both challenge type.

Local Setup

- Please use the dev branch of for development.
- Please check for how to setup and run locally.
- Please follow to build online review and autopilot docker images, and add the related services in docker-compose.yaml 

Final Submission Guidelines

- Code Changes For the functionality
- Verification Steps


2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30056138