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Challenge Overview


The nonprofit Interlochen Center for the Arts is a recipient of the National Medal of Arts and the only organization in the world that brings together: a 2,500-student summer camp program; a 500-student fine arts boarding high school; opportunities for hundreds of adults to engage in fulfilling artistic and creative programs; two 24-hour listener-supported public radio stations (classical music and news); more than 600 arts presentations annually by students, faculty and world-renowned guest artists; a global alumni base spanning eight decades, including leaders in the arts and all other endeavors. For information, visit Interlochen online at

This iOS app, along with an tvOS counterpart, will be used by as a central location to showcase the quality and diversity of their programs. In addition, the app will help promote the arts by allowing users to view videos of live performances and listen to recordings of concerts. We are looking forward to  your participation in this challenge!

Over the last year, the iOS app has been built through the following challenges -

Screen Design Challenge

iOS Prototype Challenge

iOS Vimeo Integration Challenge

iOS Integration Challenge

iOS Bug Hunt Challenge

Interlochen Media iOS Bug Bash Challenge  


Interlochen iOS App Enhancements and Bug Fixes Challenge


We have some more bugs and enhancements from the client that need to be fixed (see below)

Challenge Overview

The iOS app code is located in Github. Please request access via the forums.

Challenge Requirements

1) The app crashes randomly while scrolling in IPR section. This needs to be fixed.

2) Universal Functions


A) If audio is playing, the scrobble feature should not be hidden behind the earphones. It should appear on the main screen possibly above the thumbnail.


B) Radio search does seems to be partially working. If you search for “Radio Diaries” which is IPR content, only a few stories are returned. Should return more search results, it just returns few results as of now -

C) Search is for IPR stories does not seem to review the body copy. For instance, Karen Anderson is listed as the author on Radio Diaries but if someone is interested in Karen Anderson’s stories then they cannot simply type in “Karen”

D) You cannot search for content types, for instance, I cannot search “video” and have all videos returned.



E) The app must use the devices onboard sharing (native iOS action sheet)



F) Please add share via text and email (Should be handled as part of 2E)

G) When sharing via Twitter, the message exceeds the character limit

H) The text should be changed when sharing to match the following

“I’m watching the video ‘xxx’” should be “I’m watching ‘Xxx’” (no “the video”)

“I’m listening to ‘Xxx’” (no “the audio”)

“I’m reading ‘XXX’” (no “the story”)


3) Loading Screen

A) Please change the loading screen back to the original loading screen. The logo fills slowly with color. You can look at the earlier commits in the repo to see how this worked.

B) The featured screen should not have an effect on load. Right now it is flying up from the bottom.


4) Featured Section

A) Remove featured carousel -- featured header should be image, text, lower color bar and the title & that’s it.

B) Add the ability to customize the photo in the backend (JSON file) rather than pulling from the top content item.

C) The description field is not rendering properly

D) When the video is a livecast, add EST after the date and time

E) On audio stories, the scrobble feature should not be hidden behind the earphones. It should appear on the main screen possibly above the thumbnail.

F) Please move the author’s name from below the story to above the story but below the headline and content type.

G) Can we add a text / news story to the featured screen using the XML?


5) IPR Section

A) Remove the carousel -- header should be image, text, lower color bar and the title & that’s it.

B) The IPR logo should not have a box around it. We have included the correct graphics.



C) On audio stories, the scrobble feature should not be hidden behind the earphones. It should appear on the main screen possible above the thumbnails.

D) Please remove the icon and print only

E) After selecting a story in the IPR section, you should see the published date above the story but beneath the title.

F) Please move the author’s name from below the story to above the story (and above the publish date).

G) On audio stories, the scrobble feature should not be hidden behind the earphones. It should appear on the main screen possibly above the thumbnail.

H) The font sizes of the stories are changing even if the text is truncated. Please see “Candidates for the 101st” and “ The surprising imagination of C.S. Lewis”.

I) After selecting a story, the titles of the stories should be left justified

J) After selecting a story in the IPR section, please remove the “Text Only” and icon.


6) Performances Section


A) Remove carousel -- header should be image, text, lower color bar and the title & that’s it.

B) The description field is not rendering properly



C) Titles and body text of content items should be left left aligned not full justification



D) In performances, under the main section there are grey boxes with white text. Please remove the gray boxes but leave the white text.



E) On the iPad version, header image is cut off in the middle. It should take the top part of the image.


Iphone                        iPad


7) Extras Section


A) Remove carousel from all sections

B) Remove gray boxes from all thumbnail items

C) The title/description is not rendering properly



8) Campus Views

A) The webcam thumbnails on the iPad are small, make them larger




9) More Section

A) When clicking on the social media icons, the applications do not open in the installed applications if there are present but rather a web browsers. For instance, our Facebook page should open in the Facebook app if installed instead of in a browser.



iOS Github Repo

tvOS Challenge

tvOS Heroku (Client) Github Repo

tvOS Xcode Github Repo

Final Submission Guidelines



-- All code should be written in Swift and be well commented following existing code conventions

-- Use the workspace setup in the setup project for development

-- Winner will be asked to submit a pull request and resolve any conflicts in the development branch of the iOS app upon winning this challenge


Final Submission Deliverables


-- Code must compile on latest XCode 8.x with a target for iOS 10

-- Upload your source project as a zip

-- Provide a video overview of your submission


-- Submit a Deployment Guide with detailed configuration and verification steps



2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30056198