Challenge Overview
This is the next challenge in a series for adding functionality to the existing Topcoder Connect notification system in order to post project status changes to specified Slack channels.
There are two components to the notifications system:
1. Internal Slackbot that notifies managers when a project is ready for review and Copilots when it’s ready for claiming
2. Dashboard notifications in Connect that appear based on project events
Your main focus in this challenge is to identify that both areas above are functioning as intended and identify any limitations, errors, etc. In the challenge forums you’ll find a document that includes a matrix for all notifications sent and received for each user role within the Connect system. Validate that the events are being generated and leading to the right notifications going to the right people.
Also located in the forums is a list of user accounts to use for testing - two regular users, a manager and a copilot. You’ll need to log in to the Connect dev system to perform all of your testing.
There is a Slack channel set up for this challenge in the Topcoder Devs Slack team. Post in the forums with your Slack team handle and you’ll be invited to join the channel.
Log all issues into the GitHub issue tracker located here.
Include with the sheet entry:
-- Steps to reproduce the issue, including any needed information
-- Expected results after the issue is fixed
-- Current results, before the issue is fixed
Only verified issues will be counted. Entries logged for enhancements or non-bug issues will not be counted. Duplicate entries will be flagged and not counted. Log issues according to the guidelines above - issues that do not follow these guidelines may be rejected due to lack of information.
For challenge scoring, the user with the most verified issues will be selected as the winner. Submitters that do not take 1st place will be paid $5 for each non-duplicate and verified issue up to a maximum of the 1st place prize. If two users submit the same issue, the user that submitted the issue first will receive credit.Final Submission Guidelines
-- Submit all issues into the GitHub issue tracker located here.
-- For completing the challenge, submit a text file containing the issue #’s logged above