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Challenge Overview

Welcome to Project Atlas! In this series of challenges we will be building out a Sharepoint 365 Add-in which will track various contacts and how they respond to surveys completed in SurveyMonkey. Here at Topcoder we get a lot of requests for Sharepoint challenges, so with some good submissions you can expect to see more challenges like these coming in the future.



In the last couple of weeks, we’ve run the following challenges


Project Atlas - Project Atlas - Proof of Concept - Sharepoint 365 Add-in w/ Charts

Project Atlas - Sharepoint 365 Data Import Tool

Project Atlast - 96 Hours Sharepoint 365 Environment Setup Scripts

Project Atlas - Sharepoint 365 Add-in Object View Screens


In the last challenge, we built the list views for various entities for our Sharepoint Add-in - this is provided in the challenge assets. We now want to add the following detail views


- Build person profile page based on the following wireframe. Associated with the "People" List. Accessible by clicking on the name of the person.


 - Static fields displayed should match what is displayed on the list itself in sharepoint.

 - Interactions should be listed and be able to be created. Automatically link to the Person whose profile page you are on. DO not display input form until user clicks "Add Interaction".

 - Also allow the user to add a comment and view comments along with interactions. See: Add comment button should be displayed next to "Add Interaction"

 - Timeline of interactions/comments should be mixed and displayed based on create datetime

 - Display personal engagement score and readiness score. These are to be calculated in real time on page load. The graph code is provided in challenge assets for reference.




-Build Organization profile page (clicking any Organization in the listview should take the user to this page)

 - Update the Organization model to include the following fields


1.Organization Name

2.Organization Level

3.Supervising Organization



6.Organization Head

7.Senior Leaders

8.Organization Chart



11.Office Location

12.Number of Employees

13.Number of Contractors

14.Organizational Readiness Barometer

15.Ability Index

16.Readiness Index

17.Willingness Index

18.Engagement Score


20.Point of Contact (Owner)

21. Alternate POC


 - Similar to person page, but contains organization info

 - Same methodology for displaying fields.

 - Add/display comments on the page. See API reference above.

 - Display organizational readiness score (this will need to be calculated on page load.   

- Display average Engagement score of associated person records. (this will need to be calculated on page load.

 - Display list of Person records associated with

 - Display list of technologies associated with


Engagement score is calculated by averaging out the number of each interaction type for all Contacts in an Organization and applying the weight value to it. See the table below for an example of how to calculate the values in a bar:


Screen Shot 2017-02-04 at 12.13.58 AM.png

Final Submission Guidelines

- The Add-in, meeting the requirements above (Visual Studio project files) and built on top of the data model/ provided scripts.

- Document consisting of full configuration, deployment and verification information.

- A video demonstrating the installation and use of your add-in

- Please provide access to your Sharepoint 365 demo environment for verification

- Winner will be required to raise a merge request to our repo


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30056376