Challenge Overview
As part of the larger Boat-In-a-Box project, the client would like to develop a web-based tool to assist in creating various scenarios.
Scenario is a time series data set containing data about ships. The user is able to place ships onto the map and for each one he can set a "Course" including a Heading, a Speed (in knots), the amount of travel time, and the start time. Ships can also change direction and speed during the scenario.
In this challenge we'll develop NodeJS backend to support the above tool. The requirements are as follows:
1. Create user management service that will support only login endpoint and will return the jwt token used to access all other API endpoints. Users will be manually added to the database and we'll support only username/password based authentication.
2. Create Scenario management service that will manage scenarios (all operations are bound to specific user). It will have these endpoints:
create (scenario)
update (scenario)
delete (id)
simulate(id) - see below for details
Scenario can be described by the following data model
id - unique scenario id
name - scenario name
totalDuration - scenario duration in minutes
ships : [
id - unique ship id (just a number sequence, not mongo ids),
name - ship name,
locations : [
startTime - seconds since scenario start,
position : [lon,lat],
speed - knots,
duration - minutes
Each of the ship.location objects contains one point of the ship's path in the scenario. Scenario simulation consists of interpolating all the ships positions in discrete time intervals for the duration of the scenario. More specifically, simulation endpoint should return position/heading for each of the ships for every time point of the simulation (seconds).
Download endpoint should run the above simulation, write the data in AIS format and return the file for download. AIS format encoding is described at and
MongoDb should be used as database and mongoose as DAL
Final Submission Guidelines
Submit a complete source code for the application
Submit a readme/verification guide
Submit a postman file for verifying the service endpoints