Fast 72hrs!! Topcoder - Setup Elastic Feeder For Local Docker Environment

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Topcoder is using an elasticsearch feeder which will query the database periodically and generate/update indices in elasticsearch cluster, which will be used by other services, like Challenge Services.

In order to support continueous development for challenge services, we'd like setup the elasticsaerch feeder in loal docker environment, which will query the database and generate/update indices in elasticsaerch.

This challenge is going to figure out the necessary changes and steps to make this setup work.

General Requirements

1. Make the necessary changes to the original docker-elasticsearch-feeder repo and create the docker image as appiriodevops/docker-elasticsearch
2. Update the docker-compose.yaml file to add a service for docker-elasticsearch-feeder
3. Build and Run the Direct App and all other services by following (Build and Run with Docker compose section)
4. Login Direct App and Create challenges with different challenge types and status
5. Verify that the elastic search indices are created properly without problem.

Final Submission Guidelines

- Changes to the original docker-elasticsearch-feeder repo
- Steps to Integrate the elasticsearch feeder docker with the original Docker environment
- Clear Verification Steps for verifying the challenge data are feeded into the elasticsearch service.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30056664