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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

1.0. Introduction

Topcoder would like to improve the product development team's ability to deliver quick, stable releases across all key applications/services of the platform. This includes making it easy for the community to quickly participate in design, development, qa, devops, and release efforts.

2.0. Challenge Overview

The legacy tc-website although fairly complex, is now available as a docker image to make local deployment easier for newcomers.

2.1. Background

A working deployment of the tc-website on an EC2 VM is available.

2.1.1. To access the VM, you need to add this entry to your hosts file:

2.1.2. Visit - to accept the (expired) self-signed SSL certificate

2.1.3. Visit - then login with heffan/password but note that you will be redirected to the main site.

2.1.4. Visit - to switch from the main site back to the VM and confirm that you are now logged in as heffan.

Attached on the forums are the configuration files used by Apache and JBoss.

Note that the VM's Apache server is incorrectly configured so attempting to view the active Marathon Matches link at will lead to a HTTP 503 error. As a workaround, visit the JBoss server directly but note that static assets will not show since they are served by Apache.

2.2. Requirements

This challenge will add the legacy website for viewing past and current Marathon Match (MM) challenges to the websites that can be built and deployed by the tc-website docker image.
Please refer to this for instructions on how to build and run the tc-website docker image.
Your responsibilities in this challenge are as follows:

1. Fix the failing build script for the MM website build_mm.xml by replacing "mm/" with "all/" and fixing the missing file "jboss-cache-jdk50.jar".

2. Add a "/longcontest" entry and other missing entries to the Apache configuration: httpd-vhosts-tc.conf and workers.conf from the forum attachments.

3. Add meaningful test data then provide screen shots demonstrating that all aspects of the MM section of the tc-website work in a

Please clearly indicate the git commit hashes used in all aspects of your submission and use the indicated branches below for your work. The top finishers will be asked to submit a pull request.


3.0. Repositories

3.1. Git

Dockerfiles (use master branch)

tc-website (use dev branch)


3.2. Prerequisites

Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed:

  • docker v1.12+
    java v1.7+
    maven v3.3.3+

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see the final submission guidelines above.

Reviewers please take note that the review duration is not the default duration so plan your time accordingly.
Also, ensure that you test submissions on different platforms.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30056788