Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We'd like to add an endpoint for deleting a submission by specifying the submission id.

DELETE /submissions/{id}

The deletion is soft deleting, it is not completely removed related data. You just need to use the given id to find the submission, and update the submission status besides the modify date and modify user.

Similar logic can be learned from by

The submission deletion endpoint should be working for both design and dev submissions.

- swagger.yaml file should be updated to describe the new endpoint properly
- Please create Postman script to easily out testing.

This api is not public accessiable, only authenticated user can call this api.
-  admin permission are allowed to call this api to delete any submsision
- submission owner is allowed to use this api to delete his own submission.

About Local Environment

- You can follow to setup the local environment for development.  The master branch is for design submissions.
- For dev submissions, please use the dev-submission branch instead.


Final Submission Guidelines

- Code Changes for feature implementation
- Update to Submission System Setup Guide
- Deployment and Verification Steps


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30057183