Hercules pxscene - Windows build auto-updater and continuous integration

Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

We are using a framework called pxscene for a number of current projects.  You can find more details here:  https://github.com/topcoderinc/pxCore

Recently documentation was added that describes how to integrate Visual Studio code debugger with pxscene for debugging local scripts:


A previous challenge has implemented Windows support for pxScene, and now we are going to complete the integration by ensuring the app can auto-update, similar to the Mac, and it can be built via CI.


These tickets comprise the requirements for this challenge:


Code quality

It's very important that the code added and changed matches the same format and quality of the existing code.  Please don't change anything that doesn't have to be changed, and also ensure that all formatting (indentation, comments, etc...) is consistent with existing code.


You must provide a validation video showing pxscene auto-updating and building in CI.  A number of test URLs for pxscene will be provided in the forum.


Please provide a git patch file against the most recent version of pxCore in Github:  https://github.com/topcoderinc/pxCore

Make sure to use the "_windows_port" branch and the most recent commit hash.



Final Submission Guidelines

Please see above

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30057331