Fast 48hrs!!! Topcoder - Update srms mapping In ElasticSearch Feeder

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Challenge Overview

For this challenge, we'd like to revise the mapping and queries for srms type. the change mainly related to 


For SRM(Single Round Match) related information, it is mainly created and stored in informixoltp database. 

1. contest table - group logic for SRMs, like for Topcoder Open, there can be several rounds.
2. round table - the major table for each SRM( with round_type_id as 1)
3. round_segment table - defines different phases, like Registration Phase, Coding Phases etc
following are different phases
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (1, 'Registration');
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (2, 'Coding Phase');
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (3, 'Intermission Phase');
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (4, 'Challenge Phase');
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (5, 'System Test Phase');
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (6, 'Moderated Chat Phase');
INSERT INTO 'informix'.segment(segment_id,segment_desc) VALUES (7, 'Room Assignment Phase');
Change Requirements

1. Change Mappings
we'd like to update the mapping to include the following information and its corresponding field

id -
name -
status - round.status
invitational - round.invitational
forumId - round.forum_id
directProjectId - round.tc_direct_project_id
directProjectName - query from tc_direct_project table by using round.tc_direct_project_id
isRated - round.rated_ind
registrationStartAt - query from round_segment table with round_id and segment_id as 1
registrationEndAt - query from round_segment table with round_id and segment_id as 1
codingStartAt - query from round_segment table with round_id and segment_id as 2
codingEndAt - query from round_segment table with round_id and segment_id as 2
systemTestStartAt - query from round_segment table with round_id and segment_id as 5
systemTestEndAt - query from round_segment table with round_id and segment_id as 5
track - Data Science
subTrack - SRM
registrants - query from round_registration table, should include the userId and userHandle properties.
languages - query from round_language table
createdBy - round.creator_id

2. Update the Queries in to retrieve the information needed in the mapping

3. Verify that the elaticsearch feeder is working properly

Final Submission Guidelines

- Changes to the docker-elasticsearch-feeder repo
- Clear Verification Steps for verifying the srms data are feeded into the elasticsearch service.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30057537