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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the XPrize Visioneers Native iOS iPhone App Prototype Challenge.


The goal of this challenge is to take the provided UI Design in Sketch and convert it to a native iOS application prototype. This is the first in a series of challenges to build this iOS app so now is a good time to get involved!


Challenge Requirements


In this challenge you will develop a iPhone app that has all screens provided in the provided design. Note the following:

- We have provided the Sketch source files in the forums

- All design assets, fonts are provided in the forums

- The design is very detailed to show all variations. If there is anything not clear please post questions in forums.

- Use JSON files/ data classes for mock data. The objective is that it should be possible to easily stub out these calls with actual backend API in subsequent challenges.


Screen Requirements


Only the screens listed below in the Sketch design are in scope, refer to them and and let us know in the forums if you have any questions. The notes below are to help understand some screens/ elements better but aren’t exhaustive.



  • Implement all validations and modal dialogs as shown

  • Use spinner as shown



  • Implement slider as shown

  • Clicking phone and mail icons to invoke respective applications

  • No action is required on clicking Skype icon for now



  • Use an open-source chart library

  • You can mock the chart data for now as long as the charts match the design in terms of visualisation



  • Implement carousel as shown



  • Swiping right to left should shown delete option in listview

  • Implement all elements on all screens as shown



  • Clicking Logout should redirect user to login screen

  • Clicking Camera icon should allow user to click a picture or choose from gallery



  • Add a flag in the plist file called isEmpty

  • If isEmpty is true, then show these screens to simulate the no network condition



  • Contains all needed assets


General Notes


Note the following :

- The app will be locked to Portrait mode

- Only iPhone device is in scope. We’ll run another challenge for iPad support. App should support all devices above from iPhone 5

- App must support 1x, 2x and 3x assets and retina devices

- App must support iOS 10.x

- The implementation must be a native application, native controls must be used wherever possible

- All code must be written in Swift and the project must use latest XCode version (10.3.2). Do not use Objective-C or Bridging approach

- Use of pods is permissible. We’re not keen on using Carthage - if you think there’s a compelling reason to do so, please raise it in the forums

- Please ask in the forums if you wish to use any open-source third-party libs to ensure there are no license violations


Final Submission Guidelines



- XCode Project with all source code that addresses the requirements

- Deployment guide with configuration & verification steps. Describe all config params and include steps to run

- Demo video (Mandatory and will be scored down if not provided)


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30057669