Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Best Buy Bug Hunt

A Bug Hunt challenge is a program that will pay community members to find bugs that need to be addressed on Best Buy’s web property:

This Bug Hunt is targeting functional issues on the site as well as UI/UX issues with the following browsers:  Chrome, Safari, and Edge.  Best Buy would like to test both normal mode and incognito mode for each browser.  In addition, any iPad or iPad Mini testing that you can manage would be most appreciated.  

Please join the following gitlab group (see instructions below),

What to Test

- Functional issues on site

- User Interface issues for the following systems

-- Windows Desktop/Laptop Chrome, Edge, IE11 (Normal and Incognito Mode)

-- Mac/OSX Desktop/Laptop Chrome, Safari (Normal and Private Mode)

-- iPad Chrome, Safari  (Normal and Private Mode)

-- iPad Mini Chrome, Safari  (Normal and Private Mode)

- Usability Suggestions

How to Log Tickets

1. Create an account on GitLab:

2. Go to this URL to join the project group (link is shared in forums)

3. Search for and register your GitLab handle to join the project

4. Log issues here:

5. Please label issues with the appropriate browser type and mode, bug type, and platform type.  The labels can be viewed here:

Issue Reporting Guidelines

For each report of a limitation or bug, we need the following information:

1. Steps to reproduce, including any needed information

2. Current results before the bug is fixed

3. Expected results, after the bug is fixed

4. Screenshots

5. Attach the high-level labels.  

6. Attach detailed operating system and browser version information in the issue detail.  The high-level labels aren’t sufficient for issue replication and diagnosis.


Issue Weights

1. Functional Issues - 10 points
2. User Interface Issues - 2 points
3. User Interface Suggestions - 1 point
4. Duplicating existing issue on new platform, browser, or browser mode combination - 1 point.

Important Notice

If you do not properly document your bug reports, they will likely be rejected due to lack of information or documentation. If you submit the same bug in multiple areas, for instance, you will likely only get credit for the original bug report. The others will all be closed as duplicates.

If you duplicate an issue on a platform or browser that hasn’t been tested yet, you should create a new issue and add a link/reference in the issue description to the existing issue number.  Our copilot will review these items and consolidate them later.  Please don’t make adjustments or change labels of existing issues logged by other developers.


- Scoring will be based on the number of bugs by weight.  Be sure to correctly attach a weight to your bug.  The co-pilot has the right to change a severity at their discretion.

- Scoring is directly proportional to weight:  Weight 1 = 1 point, Weight 10 = 10 points.

- The member with the highest score will win 1st place - $750.  The member who gets the 2nd most points will win $500 and third place will win $250.

- Only verified issues will be counted.  Tickets logged for enhancements or non-bug issues will not be counted. Duplicate issues will be closed and not counted. Log issues according to the guidelines above - issues that do not follow these guidelines may be rejected due to lack of information.

- For challenge scoring, the user with the most verified issues will be selected as the winner. Submitters that do not take 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place will be paid $5 for each non-duplicate and verified issue up to a maximum of the 3rd place prize. If two users submit the same issue, the user that submitted the issue first will receive credit.


Some of the tips helpful for the contest:

- Submitting what is obviously the same issue multiple times with small variations will only annoy the reviewer that has to sort through all the issues and will only count as one issue anyway. If it's less obvious if it is the same issue or not, use your best judgment and the reviewers will do the same.

- Keep an eye on the issues being submitted by other members to minimize the time you may be spending on duplicate efforts. Knowing what has already been reported will allow you to better focus your time on finding yet undiscovered issues.

- Double check your steps to reproduce and test cases to make sure they are clear. Make sure your steps include creation of any necessary data.



Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverable

When the Bug Hunt is over, upload a txt file with the links to the issues you’ve submitted.



Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30057917