Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Requirements

In this challenge we are going to enhance the admin-app to enhance the user / role / group management features.

Here are the specific requirements:
1. When I'm on a specific user at #/index/users, add the ability to view/add/remove the user from groups and roles.

2. Update the roles UI so it follows the pattern we have for groups (#/index/groups/list). List roles, pick a role, see user's in that role, add/remove users.

3. The updated code should use the same configuration we already have in the code, do not add a new configuration parameter for the new roles endpoints.

4. You must use UI State router best practives - separate states for list / detail / new

It's important that your submission works properly with the real environment, you will be provided a test account to access the dev api server.

- Please make sure that you are using best practices for Angular.js (for example: ui-router)
- Please check the admin-app-mock-api readme to see how you can get the admin-app running locally
- Please make sure you code is well documented
- Make sure the newly added pages have consistent look and feel with the admin-app (use similar style as the Submission page)


- Node.js
- Angular.js
- Elasticsearch
- Docker
- Java

Final Submission Guidelines


- Updated admin-app code with all the requirements covered
- A detailed verification guide explaining how to run and test your submission.
- The winner will be asked to send a pull request to our repo.



2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30058035