Blupay - Simple Angular Prototype 48h

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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Blupay Project. The goal of this project is to create a simple app that IBM can deploy internally that will allow their employees to easily launch Topcoder projects from within their Bluemix dashboard.

In this project, all you have to do is make a simple Angular prototype from the wireframe provided, and wire it up to fake data.


  1. Build a simple Angular project using Angular CLI
  2. Implement the attached wireframe
  3. Build 2 fake data models
    1. blupayaccounts.json - a simple json array of {id, name, description} to populate the Blupay Accounts dropdown
    2. products.json - Model is listed in the wireframe. This should populate the Topcoder Products dropdown. When the dropdown is changed, the description to the right of the dropdown should be updated
  4. The fields should be chained.
    1. Everything else is disabled until a Blupay Account is selected.
    2. The description field and submit button are disabled until a Topcoder Product is selected
    3. A description must be entered to click submit.
  5. On Submit, call a mock service function, passing the values from the fields, that will later be wired up to a backend to send the emails.
  6. When emails are sent, reset the form, and show a thank you message that someone will be with them shortly
  7. Your App Config should contain
    1. blupayAccountsURL - where the application loads the Blupay Accounts JSON
    2. topcoderAccountsURL - where the application loads the Topcoder Accounts JSON

Deployment and Documentation

Your app should contain a describing
  1. How to setup, configure, and build your application
  2. How to deploy to Bluemix

Final Submission Guidelines

Your .zip should contain

  1. Your application

Goals of this Project are

  1. Clean, well thought out approach to the project - this will grow into a larger project
  2. Good documentation of build and deployment


2017 TopCoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30058068