Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

For this challenge, you combine the two solutions from a previous challenge that visually represents Topcoder member activity.

Previous Challenge Results

This challenge resulted in 4 visually appealing solutions. The winning solution by chok68 was the only one that used the real data stream. The live app can be seen here. As you can see from the image below this solution is a rotating global that monetarily highlights activity by 3 concentric yellow rings that fade in and fade out in about a second as the globe turns. It is interesting but does not show all the activity in a single view. It is based on Planetary.js and pulls from the quake example. Since this is based on earthquakes and the time they are active it has some concepts we are looking for but it is not quite right. The more important thing is that uses the streaming data feed. It requires the animation and to watch over a period of time to get a sense of the activity. By looking at the source of this submission you can see that chok68 took a static list of 15000 cities that are already geocoded so they could be mapped to the fetched JSON data that contained the city names. The local pseudo geocoding service will allow for great performance when there are a large number of data points that need to be geocoded.


Another submission by daft300punk has really nice visuals but does not use the real data stream, However, daft300punk did a great job representing what we wanted with the filtering. See the screenshot below.

Also, you can see the live demo of daft300punk's submission here:

For this challenge, we want to take the design from daft300punks solution and use the local geolocation service, and data feed of chok68's submission and combine them.

You can find both of these code bases in the submission directory of the github repo

In addition, there are some members that don't have cities listed but do have countries, we would like you to randomly place them in the country but choose another color like gray. Some don't have countries either, we would like, in small print somewhere,  the count of activity that is not geocoded. Like the previous challenge, you have a lot of freedom on this one. We just want it to look Kick Ass!

Data endpoints

Source: Github Issue #3

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Ensure good test coverage on all modules
  • Upload documentation for how to run and deploy your submission
  • Provide a quick Video, you may annotate or narrate it  
  • Deploy your solution to Heroku.
  • Upload all your source code as a single zip for review
  • The winner will be required to submit a pull request with their winning code.


2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30058370