Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Previously, we implemented APIs for supporting direct app. For this challenge, we'd like to merge these APIs into challenge service.

these APIs are mainly doing direct jdbc queries, so should be easy to migrate, except we should the new JWT V3 Token which is used in Challenge Service.

General Requirements
- The main logic can be found at  src/main/java/com/topcoder/direct/api/services/ in direct api repo
- You should get the user id and roles from the JWT V3 Token.
- Please define separate models for this API, so it is kept separate from the existing APIs in challenge service.
- The endpoint should be like GET /direct/challenges
- The request parameters should keep the same.
- The response should encapsulate in the new response format.
-  swagger.yaml should be updated to describe the API properly.

About Local Setup

1. Please following to setup the local environment, run `docker-compose up tc-direct-with-volume run-online-review all-challenges-es-feeder`
2. Update the local/ to run the challenge service

Final Submission Guidelines

- Code Changes
- Verification Setup


2017 TopCoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30058469