Challenge Summary
What is a RUX Challenge?
The RUX (Rapid User Experience) challenge uses the same format as our famous LUX Challenge except it is not "Live" at an event. The RUX Challenge Series provides you with an opportunity to show digital leaders from some of the largest companies in the world just how good your concept and user experience (UI/UX) design skills are.
RUX (Rapid User Experience) challenges are fast, fun, and have more chances for you to capture prize money!
Note: You do not need to have RUX challenge experience to join this challenge - Just jump in and give it a try! Make sure to follow the challenge details, the challenge forum and ask questions
The goal of this challenge is to take the provided design problem, analyze the user experience and provide design concepts and visual ideas on how the new website might look and work!
Design Problem
We are focusing on the redesign of 5 key areas from a current and live banking website. Those areas are:
- Login
- Top
- Balance inquiry
- Fund Transfer
- Inquiry of Deposit
You will be working with the screen captures of the current website. Please use this captures as wireframes and have in mind that:
- You are free to play around, move all the necessary items on the screen to create a new experience.
- You can use the words “Cloud Banking” as your web/application logo or just use a placeholder area. Please, DO NOT design a logo on this challenge. This is not a Logo design competition. (Real logo will be added later).
- Use the “Full-width” of the screen. Think on a real bank web application.
- While this is going to be a web application, consider responsive techniques while designing.
- Please use your creativity and propose your best ideas on this project. Simplicity should be your focus.
- New interface should encourages users to complete the process and not abandon the process midway
- Consider: Less clicks, important information should be visible and easy to catch.
- Should be clean, open, and modern looking.
- Show us new concepts and ideas for how things could be designed and function.
- Avoid dark themes while designing.
- As this is a professional/corporate Banking Site, do not use images/photos as backgrounds.
- For this challenge and demo purposes uses Dollar “$” as your currency.
RUX Challenge Timeline and Rolling Checkpoint
- Submission Start: 08/16/2017 at 18:00 PM EDT
- Rolling Checkpoint Start: 08/18/2017 at 10:00 AM EDT
- Submission End: 08/19/2017 at 18:00 PM EDT
We are offering 5 Prizes Placements
1) 1st Placement: $2000
2) 2nd Placement: $1500
3) 3rd Placement: $1000
4) 4th Placement: $750
5) 5th Placement: $500
- Plus 8 placements for Rolling Checkpoint prizes @ $50 each!
Note: Important Rolling Checkpoint Details
- We will answer questions and provide Rolling Feedback as fast as possible.
- You must watch the Forum for your feedback!
*All initial qualifying checkpoint submissions will win $50 (8 Placements)
Required Screens
For this challenge we just need 15 screens divided into 5 key areas:
1) Login:
- Please read this section carefully. We are not asking for a regular login. On this challenge we will focus on the “First Time Login Experience”.
- This is a short wizard that allows users to quickly setup the following information:
- - Security Questions and Answers
- - Create their new login password
- - Register an email address
- - A confirmation screen where users need to validate their transaction. (Refer “01-00-Login-01_rev02” for content).
- - And finally the login screen itself. (Refer “01-02-Login_rev03” for content)
2) Top
- Next screen after login. (Refer “02-00-Top_rev08” for content)
3) Balance Inquiry
- Display total for each type of deposit List. (Refer “03-00-Balance-Inquiry_rev05_01 - 02” for content).
4) Fund Transfer
- Fund Transfer flow. (Refer “04-00-Transfer-01_rev02” to “04-07-Transfer-07_rev01” for content).
5) Inquiry of Deposit
- Inquiry of deposit / withdrawal details. (Refer “05-Deposit-Withdrawal_rev06” for content).
6) Presentation Screen - 1920x1080 (16:9 Ratio)
- In a RUX challenge, this screen is the way to showcase your concept so keep it simple and make it look good!
- If you were walking into a meeting and needed to sell your idea - use this screen to showcase your concept.
You can find all current screens on this link:
Use this as a wireframe and content reference only. Remember we are looking for a whole new experience and new look and feel.
General Requirements
Screen Sizes
- This application is going to be developed as a Desktop Application
-- Desktop: 1280px width and Height adjusting accordingly
Branding Guidelines
- Colors: We have created an InvisionApp Board with color palette and fonts. Please use those colors only. DO NOT reinvent colors on this challenge.
- Icons: You can use icons from “icons8”.
Submissions Requeriments
- Upload your “”, “” and “Preview.jpg/png” files as usual.
- Upload your screens to Marvel App for review and to showcase the experience (ask for Marvel App prototype/project from co-pilot or PM in challenge forum. Do this with enough time in advance. Avoid last minute requests.)
Marvel Prototype
- We want to use Marvel App to provide direct and fast feedback! We can also track your design updates and screen versions within Marvel App!
- No additional functionality is required! Just make sure your screen(s) are in the correct viewing order (number them 00, 01, 02, 03, etc.)
- You MUST include your Topcoder Marvel App URL within your .Notes file
Challenge Forum
Please access challenge forum from this link:
Judging Criteria
Your submission will be judged on the following criteria:
- Overall idea and execution of concepts
- How well does your design align with the objectives of the challenge
- Execution and thoughtfulness put into the solving the problem
- Simplified User Experience and innovative ideas
- Overall design and user experience
- Cleanliness of screen design and user flow
Target Audience
- Bank customers.
- They're adult, digital, and socially savvy.
- Their demands and expectations are always changing
- They need everything fast, on-the-go, with full control
- Simple, easy to understand, easy to buy, easy to use and pay
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Submit JPG/PNG for your submission files.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted design. Files should be created in Adobe Photoshop and saved as a layered PSD file, or Adobe Illustrator as a layered AI file or Sketch!
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase, you may be asked to modify your graphics (sizes or colors) or modify overall colors. We may ask you to update your design or graphics based on checkpoint feedback.
Stock Photography
Stock photography is allowed in this challenge.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.