Challenge Overview
We have recently moved our service integration for the Retail iOS app over from calling each individual service directly to making all service calls through a service proxy. This simplifies our implementation and allows us to centrally configure the service endpoints, keys, and secrets to use on the server, instead of embedded in the individual build of the iOS app.
The side effect is that it is a bit harder to test and fully validate the individual calls due to the intermediate layer.
We previously built a Node test app that we can use to:
* Authenticate and pull a token for the API
* Test the individual calls that the iOS app makes
This challenge will add some new service tests for new service integrations and will fix a couple bugs.
These tickets comprise the requirements for the app:
Existing code
The existing code can be found here:���
A link will be provided in the forum that you can use to give you Gitlab username access. You will be expected to submit a Git patch file against the HEAD of the master branch that addresses the issues above.
Your submission must include:
* A patch file against the HEAD on the master branch in Git
* The deployment guide (We'll only target local deployment for now)