Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In this challenge we are looking for a microservice wrapper over Google Places API. The goal is to develop a sample microservice that will have two features:
1. Search places based on users location or search string (should be implemented as two separate endpoints)
2. Get detailed information about a speciffic place including user reviews and images
Service should be developed using Spring Boot, latest stable version. Service should produce daily logs with all requests/responses/errors persisted to log files. Unit tests, swagger and postman file are required. Annotations are preferred over xml configuration where possible. 
Create a Docker image for the microservice. Image should have just the minimal environment and should start only the app process (so don't make the entrypoint be a bash shell). Application code should be embeded into the image, and not mapped as a volume. Service logs directories should be mapped to a directory on the host.
Include instructions for deploying the service locally (both with docker and within development environment), and Heroku (docker)

Final Submission Guidelines

1) Document explaining step by step Configuration on Google API
2) Microservice
3) Verification guide


2018 Topcoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30059375