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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

This app is like Pinterest or Tinder for all motorcycle owners. Motorcycle owners post pictures of their bike(s) and identify customizations they have made. Other motorcycle owners can search for and view bikes with the customizations they are interested in. Gamification is added to gather more data and to give it more stickiness.

Competition Task Overview

For this challenge, we'd like to build the 1st part of the screens into a native iOS prototype app following the screen designs.

Here are some general guidelines to follow:

- The app must be built using Swift
���- The app must work on iOS 9+ and iPhone 5 SE and above
The app is iPhone only and only needs to support the portrait orientation, it should work on iPads in scale mode though
The code must be properly documented
All screens from the design (storyboard) must be covered and be functional in the final app
- No hardcoded data in code, test data should be read from / written to core data or other similar persistence service
- Your submission should be based on the code we provided in the forum


The following screens are in scope of this challenge:

- 08 Chat Screen.psd
- 09 Leaderboard.psd
- 10 Settings.psd
- 11 Invite Friends.psd
- Navigation Menu.psd

In addition, the following must be done to existing code / screens as well:
1. Fix the test data so that demo user works, or alternatively remove the demo user and require user sign up to test the app
2. Update the deployment guide so that details are provided in text as much as possible, avoid using audio / video based guide
3. Make sure code is compatible with Xcode 9
4. On the motorcycle details screen, the "Add to Favorites" button should be visible on iPhone SE, and when tapping it it should toggle the status
5. For 08 chat screen, we need to demostrate showing a photo and attachment in the chat messages.
6. On Dashboard -> My Motorcycles, the bottom right + icon should open a similar screen to add a new motorcycle, see the last item below
7. On Dashboard -> Recently Liked, the bottom right motorcycle icon should navigate to Browse Motorcycles
8. For all places that shows a motorcycle photo or summary, tapping it should go to Motorcycle Details screen, examples: Dashboard -> Slider at the top, Dashboard -> Recently Liked, Dashboard -> Community Trends, Dashboard -> My Motorcycles, My Profile -> My Favorites
9. For 11 Invite Friends, we want the Facebook / Twitter / Instagram tabs to be removed since we won't be able to load the contacts into the app like this, so what we need is a way to share the invitation link to these services via iOS standard Share feature. We still need the Contacts tab to show phone contacts to send the invitation link though.
10. We need a few changes to the add motorcycle screen:
10.1. Add a Model field which is a text field
10.2. Add a text field to describe the changed parts (i.e. the one shown here:
10.3. For each part, we need a name and a photo (right now the design only has a photo)
11. Features like editing / deleting my motorcycle in Settings should work.
12. Fix existing UI issues in the code base, if you check the app on iPhone SE you'll see quite a bit of issues.

Please also check our InVision prototype to understand the screenflow.

Technology Overview

iOS 9+
iPhone 5 SE+
Xcode 8 / Xcode 9

Documentation Provided

Register to see documents in the forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

- Xcode project that covers all mentioned requirements
- A complete and detailed deployment documented explaining how to deploy the application including configuration information.

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30059563