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Challenge Overview

Competition Task Overview

In this challenge, we need to enhance / extend existing services to add new points to manage review and challenge fees.

1. We have a legacy java-based admin tool that admins use to perform various types of management tasks. You'll need to review the admin tool java code and re-implement the related APIs in the new services we specify.

2. The new api endpoints should follow the same convention currently used in the existing services.

3. The new api must ensure the users calling the api have enough permission, i.e. only admins can use these apis

4. The following reviewer related endpoints must be added:
4.1. resetAggregation
4.2. resetReview
4.3. updateAutopilot
4.4. reopenReview
4.5. deleteReview

5. The following challenge fee related endpoints must be added:
5.1. updateFixedChallengeFee
5.2. updatePercentageChallengeFee

6. To test the code you can use our informix docker instance here:, tag 1b3d4ef is the latest.

7. The winner will be asked to help with code merge to our repos.


Unit test are required for the new api, you don't have to fix any old unit tests if they don't work.

You need to provide manual demos to verify your implementation.

Technology Overview


Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

Below is an overview of the deliverables:
- Updated review / billings services code that covers all the requirements
- A detailed deployment guide that explains how to deploy the application, run the tests and verify the new endpoints.
- Updated API doc in swagger format

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30059779