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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the TCO17 - IBM Cognitive Hackathon Contest. TCO17 is finally here and this Hackathon is open to all Topcoder members.


Contest Details

As part of this contest, you need to work with IBM Cognitive Services and Github to create a web based application that can provide interesting insights about a publicly available repository.


The type of insights that you can provide will be on the lines of:

  1. The time taken for a specific action. Example - A merge request submitted to Lodash takes on average a time of 5 days to be accepted. In this case, you could go through the historical data to come up with this insight.

  2. Chinese users are most active on Github at 11:00 AM. In this case, you could monitor multiple public repositories, get the location of the users actively participating and determine the country having the most active users and the time the most number of activities taking place.

  3. Showing an activity heat map on the map of the world. You can do this by monitoring multiple public repositories, getting the user details of users when any issue or pull request is acted upon, getting their locations and then using the locations to create a heat map to indicate which regions are most active.

  4. Process some comments or issues and use Watson services to gauge the health of the project. Are all the comments angry? Excited? Futile?


These are all examples of the Insights that you can provide. However, these only leverage Github APIs (the last one does involve IBM Watson). For this contest, you need to go through the Products and Services offered by IBM Watson and use them to generate your insights. You need to use IBM Watson’s cognitive capabilities to come up with an insight of your own and these insights have to be on public repositories on Github only.


The scope of this contest is pretty wide - you can literally come up with any insight you want. You can even use charts to visualize your insights. We want to bring out the creative side of you. Submissions will be judged on the basis of:

  1. How cool the insight is. Insights that offer meaningful information have a higher regard than insights that are just interesting or flashy but don’t provide any real value associated with them.

  2. How intuitive the user interface is. It’s not only about collecting meaningful insights, but also presenting them well. You are free to ask the user to enter a specific repository or you can work with any of the existing popular public repositories before presenting your insights.

  3. Deployment. You need to deploy your app on IBM Bluemix and your deployment guide should cover all the steps necessary to ensure that the reviewers are able to smoothly deploy your app.

  4. Insights that are already known will be disregarded. For example, Github has a page where it lists out the Trending repositories. Having this in your submission again will be ignored and not reviewed. Similarly, Github provides its own Insights for a repository. Displaying them as-is in your submission will be frowned upon.

  5. Your submission needs to use IBM Cognitive Services, IBM Bluemix and Github. Absence of any one among these three disqualified your submission.

  6. The Insights have to be in English. Typos will most likely be overlooked.

  7. The accepted technologies are constrained by the stacks supported by IBM Watson and IBM Bluemix. Head over to their respective documentation to determine which tech stacks you can work with.

  8. The Insights provided have to work within Github’s terms and services for accepted use of their platform.


That’s about it. Don’t wait any further. Register for the contest. Think how you can leverage IBM Watson and Github and implement your solution on IBM Bluemix.


Final Submission Guidelines

Upload your submission to IBM Bluemix. Mention the hosted URL in your README. Upload your entire code base to Topcoder.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30059993