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Challenge Summary

Welcome to Sancus - Role-Based Curriculum App Wireframe Challenge!

The Role-Based Curriculum App (RBC App) is a tool created to automate the processes of role-based curriculum checklist management. The Role-Based Curriculum App is utilized to track the overall proficiency and capabilities of associates to perform role-based tasks.

At the end of this challenge, we are looking to see intuitive and easy to use "wireframe concepts" that will help us design and build UI/UX in the next phase of this project!

Be creative in your wireframes!


Round 1

Submit your initial wireframes for checkpoint review.
01 User Dashboard
02 Scores
03 Training Plans 

Feel free to add any screens which are necessary to explain your concept.

Round 2

Submit your final wireframes with all checkpoint feedback implemented
01 User Dashboard
02 Scores
03 Training Plans
04 Administration 

Feel free to add any screens which are necessary to explain your concept.

Task of this challenge is to come up with wireframes for the below provided use-cases.

Checklist Purpose:
On-the- job training (OJT) checklists provide a means of training a new associate or an existing associate on a new task. It is also used to assess the proficiency of an associate. The scores are utilized to track progress of the associate in learning and mastering role-specific tasks. Scores may be entered to reflect the following:
- Associate proficiency as scored by themselves (self-assessment)
- Associate proficiency as scored by a mentor
- Associate productivity as scored by a mentor

Checklists are divided into the following sections:
a. Task or Topic Section
- Documentation of meeting date, mentor and associate being coached
- The purpose of the checklist

b. Knowledge Section
- A description of key concepts in context of the task
- Provide background and references for a deeper understanding of why a task is performed

c. Application Section
- Observation of key task milestones as performed by the associate

d. Proficiency Scores
- 4 Explains Perfectly (Subject Matter Expert)
- 3 Explains/Performs Consistently
- 2 Explains/Performs with Help
- 1 Cannot Explain/Perform

- We have provided screens from the existing application (BRD), please use them as a reference for content, please DO NOT COPY them as we are looking to improve the user experience / layout.

Wireframe Considerations:
- Provide us with your interaction and click-path thoughts and suggestions.
- Produce HTML click-through wireframes that can be used to demonstrate all mentioned functionalities as required in each round.
- The website must be very easy to use and intuitive. Keep that in mind when you create your solution for the layout and flow of information.
- You MUST cover all requirements mentioned in challenge details below.

Suggested Screens:
There are multiple users in this application, we are looking for your help to improve the overall flow and user experience of this application. Please consider the navigation process from
screen to screen when creating the wireframes.

01 User Dashboard:
- View & drill into the Dashboard
- View Team Heat Maps and Role Based Checklists (RBCs)
- View the Heat Maps in which you’ve been assigned
- Need to show My Scores (this displays the most recent 10 scores submitted by a mentor)
- Need to show My Training, user could be trained as a mentor or as an associate
- Need to show My Teams

02 Scores:
Below activities can be performed in this page
- This page should also include help information for the below performed activities.
- Should have options to enter scores, enter self-assessment scores and also productivity scores.

Enter Scores:
- This page allow the user to enter the scores for the associates
- User will select the team and choose the appropriate RBC title (or) enters the CLID (checklist ID) and clicks submit
- Few details need to be entered by them are “Meeting Date / OJT (On the Job), Period (This refers to the time period that the mentor observes the trainee performing a task), Attendees Job Title > Mentor, Trainee (should able to choose these).
- User will be able to enter comments in the debrief field.
- Once all scores are entered, they will submit the scores.
- All users can enter scores for themselves on the checklist (as a self-assessment - see below), Mentors, Managers and Learning Catalysts also can enter scores for associates
- We are looking forward to your thoughts on how to submit scores for multiple trainees - think on how that can done!

Enter Self Assessment Scores:
- This form is used to capture self-assessment scores.
- NOTE: It is possible for an associate to be on two teams, in this event, the Team box will show the teams assigned to the associate.
- They will then choose the appropriate RBC title and then enter the scores for each item in the checklist.
- A user would ideally see only the checklists assigned to them for self–assessment.
- User would then choose the rating based on how the checklist is created (type of score values used (1-3 or 1-4, etc.) indicating their own assessment of their capability to perform or
discuss the task.
- User will be able to enter comments in the debrief field.
- Once all scores are entered, they will submit the scores.

Enter Productivity Scores:
- This form is used to capture overall productivity score.
- This page will allow the user to enter the scores for the associates.
- User will select the team and choose the appropriate RBC title (or) enter the CLID (checklist ID) and click submit
- It requires the mentor/trainer to select a team, and then a trainee, after which user will select productivity score 25%-100% (in 25% increments).
- The checklist must be associated with the team and the trainee must be a part of the team.

03 Training Plans:
- This page allows the user to create and view list of training plans.
- IMPORTANT: We are looking for your help to improve the flow / user experience - please go through the below problem and look to provide appropriate solutions.

Currently, the system requires a 1:1 training plan to task ratio. Therefore, if a trainee needs to learn 10 tasks, 10 training plans must be created

Expected Solution / Feature:
We would like the system to be able to assign multiple tasks to a trainee at the same time, or multiple trainees to a single task at the same time. In conjunction the system must also provide the flexibility to choose different mentors and due dates for each task/training event created, even if multiple are being created concurrently. We would like the system to include the option of creating training plan templates that can be used (and customized further, when needed) to speed up the process of creating the plans.

The system must be able to automatically mark a training task/event as complete if evaluation scores are entered into the system for the task and trainee, regardless of whether they are completed on time or if they are overdue, and whether the original mentor or another mentor completed the evaluation.

View List of Training Plans:
- This page shows list of training plans.
- Should allow the user to search and filter the list.
- This list will include “Edit link, Show link, Delete link, ID, Status, Team, Checklist title, Trainee ID#, Trainee Last Name, Mentor ID, Mentor Last Name (This should be a drop down that pulls from the list of names on the Heat Map by default, but has the option of pulling the “full” list of names in the event that the mentor and trainee are not yet on the same team heat map), Date Created, Created By”
- Provide a way for the user to edit an event / user will be able to edit the status and also the event date can be deleted.

Create New Training Plans:
- This page allows user to create training plans.
- User will select the Team and Title drop down menus or type the checklist ID into the CLID# (checklist ID) field to start creating an event.
- User will select the mentor and trainee.
- The checklist must be associated with the team and the trainee must be a part of the team
- User will be able to enter comments in the comment field.
- User will be able to choose the date due and also the date to be reminded.
- The training plans are emailed from an internal RBC job once a week to any that are past the reminder date. These email reminders will discontinue on the training due date. 

04 Administration:
View and Edit Checklist:
- User should be able to add or edit the checklist
- To edit a checklist users must select a team and then a CLID (Checklist ID).
- The score type drives if the user sees a 1-4 type PDF or a 1-3.
- The response set drives what type of answers appear in the scoring drop down when the mentor creates a score.

Create New Checklist:
- This page allows admin users to create new checklists.
- Once a checklist has been added then the admin can assign it to a team in the Team Checklists section of the Admin console.

Customize Heat Maps:
- This form allows admin users to customize the layout of the HeatMap report.
- Users must select a team (Heat Map)
- The users will be able to select team name and customize Heat Maps under it.
- User will be able to “Manage Trainee Group Names”, be able to display order
- User will be able to assign the trainee under groups, be able to display order
- User will be able to “Manage Task Group Names”, be able to display order
- User will be able to assign the task under task groups, be able to display order

Customize Score Responses:
- This form allows admin users to customize the score responses.
- Users give the set a name and then set the text & values.
- If no customized set is used the default 1- 3 or 1-4 is used depending on Checklist type.

- This allows admin users to edit RBC user data, should have ability to add a new user or edit a user’s details (Type (role), Corporate ID, Manager’s Corporate ID , user’s first name and last name, email, user’s assigned Heat Map(s), user’s assigned team(s) and user status (active or closed).
- Should have a way to de-activate the user.
- RBC users are an independent body of data. It is NOT dependent on any outside feeds or API calls.
- All edits to roles, titles, emails, etc. are done inside of RBC tool.
- We would like the new system to allow Admin users to deactivate a user from the user list screen using a status drop down selection.
- We would also like the new system to allow users to be able to add or remove people from team Heat Maps from this screen using multi-select drop down options. Before you can close
or inactivate a user, you must make sure that he or she is no longer assigned to any team. If he or she is assigned to any team, then you will not be able to deactivate him or her until you
first deactivate his or her association with any teams.

- Admin should have the ability to add a team or edit a team (Update, deactivate, and restrict visibility, flag as Manager RBC - see below).
- Should have ability to de-activate a team.
- Should have ability to import the team members.
- A team is selected from the list to view more details about that team.

Team Details & Users:
- Should have the ability to view users with the team, ability to add users or remove users from the team…think on how this should happen!
- Also allow admin to add checklists to a Heat Map.
- Should have ability to import the team members.

Team Edit:
- - - Parent: The team that this team reports to in the organizational hierarchy.
- - - Status: Active, Closed
- - - Visibility: Determines what kind of RBC user can interact with this team.
- - - Removed: Should this team appear on the dashboard report.
- - - Manager RBC: Is this team used only for manager RBC users/teams (probably a checkbox)

Manage Scores:
- This form allows admin users to manage previously entered scores (i.e. they will be able to edit user scores or delete them).
- They will able to move scores from one team to another (user searches for scores based on the mentee name or chooses all to view all scores listed by the search results -
user chooses the score they want to edit and view the score details page to edit them!)
- Scores can be copied per user or for the whole team.
- Should have ability to refresh dashboard data.
- Should have ability to import the scores based on xls file.

Trend Proc:
- This screen indicates the last time the Trend proc was run from the scheduler proc.

- This form allows an admin user to assume the identity of another RBC  user they enter.
- This is used primarily for testing what RBC  looks and works like for different users.
- Once the user desires to return to their own identity they go to the main screen and click “revert”.

Target Audience
- Team Users, Mentor, Learning Catalyst, Manager, Admin

Learn Axure
New to Axure? Here are some quick tutorials to help you get started.

Judging Criteria
- User Experience of the application/portal
- Completeness and accuracy of your wireframes
- How well your wireframes provide a consistent user flow

Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.

Submission File
Wireframes should be built in HTML or Axure

Source Files
All original source files of the submitted idea(s). If you would like to submit notes please include notes.txt file.

Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify content or user click paths.

Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.

Stock Photography

Stock photography is not allowed in this challenge. All submitted elements must be designed solely by you. See this page for more details.

How To Submit

  • New to Studio? ‌Learn how to compete here
  • Upload your submission in three parts (Learn more here). Your design should be finalized and should contain only a single design concept (do not include multiple designs in a single submission).
  • If your submission wins, your source files must be correct and final fixes (if applicable) must be completed before payment can be released.
  • You may submit as many times as you'd like during the submission phase, but only the number of files listed above in the Submission Limit that you rank the highest will be considered. You can change the order of your submissions at any time during the submission phase. If you make revisions to your design, please delete submissions you are replacing.

Winner Selection

Submissions are viewable to the client as they are entered into the challenge. Winners are selected by the client and are chosen solely at the client's discretion.

Challenge links

Screening Scorecard

Submission format

Your Design Files:

  1. Look for instructions in this challenge regarding what files to provide.
  2. Place your submission files into a "" file.
  3. Place all of your source files into a "" file.
  4. Declare your fonts, stock photos, and icons in a "Declaration.txt" file.
  5. Create a JPG preview file.
  6. Place the 4 files you just created into a single zip file. This will be what you upload.

Trouble formatting your submission or want to learn more? ‌Read the FAQ.

Fonts, Stock Photos, and Icons:

All fonts, stock photos, and icons within your design must be declared when you submit. DO NOT include any 3rd party files in your submission or source files. Read about the policy.


All submissions are screened for eligibility before the challenge holder picks winners. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Learn more about how to  pass screening.

Challenge links

Questions? ‌Ask in the Challenge Discussion Forums.

Source files

  • HTML
  • RP file created with Axure
  • Sketch

You must include all source files with your submission.

Submission limit

5 submissions

ID: 30060051