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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

The goal of this challenge is to fix a number of issues in the Letsapp Node.js backend. This backend is in turn used by the Letapp iOS app. We had leveraged the Topcoder community to build both the iOS app and the Node.js backend earlier this year. The backend was subsequently re-architected NOT to use AWS Lambda. While testing the rearchitected backend with the iOS app, we've come across some regression issues which need to be fixed.

[Bug Bash] challenge is a program that will pay community members to fix bugs reported.

Using Gitlab issues you will assign issues to yourself. In this [Bug Bash] this issue vary widely in scope. Some are small cosmetic changes that shouldn't require more 5 minutes to diagnose and fix.  And we have other changes that are more significant.

Challenge Scope

This challenge will remain open until all bugs are closed/solved. This will remain open for 7 days.

For this challenge, you will assign a bug that has corresponding complexity level (each level has corresponding point value as outlined below) to yourself from our current list of Gitlab issues.

- Access request in forums to the repo

- Browse the issues labeled ‘Open for Pickup and decide which one you would like to tackle first.

- Each member may only assign one issue to themselves at a time. Assign, work, create a pull request, look for the next issue.

- Please see the detailed instructions below in the submission guidelines for how this Bug Bash will be managed.

- Deployment instructions for the app can be found in the README file in the repo. There's also a docs folder which contains useful information such as Swagger, architecture documentation for participants.


Weight: 1pt = $5

Each issue will have a weight assigned, the weight represents the prize of the bug where 1pt = $5.  Issues have weights from 1 pt ($5) to 100 pts ($500)

The competitor can select any open bug to work on. Once you have the fixed the bug, please submit link to pull request and assign it to talesforce. Please note that you will need to deploy your fixes to an AWS instance (request via forums if you need an instance) so we can verify your fixes with the iOS app. If you are on a Mac and can run XCode, that's a plus as you'll be able to validate fixes from the app yourself as well.

Open Bugs shown here are in scope of this challenge and will be designed by the "Open for Pickup" tags. The bug list will be updated frequently, new bugs will be shown and old bugs may be fixed by the other competitors, so keep watching the bug list.

We'll be paying a $100 bonus to the member who collect the largest number of points.

Bug Bash Instructions


- Each issue in Gitlab issue has a weight value. Weight values are based upon complexity and priority of issue.

- You can assign any unassigned issue to yourself with a "Open for Pickup" (first come first serve). Update label to “In Progress”, and remove “Open for Pickup” label.

- You can only assign ONE AT A TIME. The nature of it being assigned will indicate it is not available to anyone else.

- You will fix the ticket as a pull request to the master branch!

- Once a ticket is fixed, you should label it "Ready for Review" where it will then be verified. If something is still broken, the copilot will comment on the ticket.

- After submitting and tagging "Ready for Review" you are eligible to accept another. You can do as many tickets as you want, as long as you follow the rules above.

- If the ticket is fixed properly, your pull request will be merged in, and the ticket will be marked "Solution Accepted".

- If the ticket is rejected, it should be your first priority to fix the issue.

- When the ticket is closed, payment will be recorded, and ticket tagged "Payment Required", when we issue the payment the tag will be updated to “Paid”

- If an assigned task is not done in 8 hours, you will be unassigned from the ticket, and it will be open up to the community.

- You can ask questions directly on the ticket comments.

Final Submission Guidelines

For each ticket you fix, raise a pull request against master branch and make sure to deploy it on your AWS instance and share the URL on the ticket itself.

At the end of the challenge, submit a text file with links to all tickets resolved by you. The submitter with most weighted points will win a $100 bonus



2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30060228