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Challenge Overview

Welcome to Iron Mountain Chatbot Implementation - Part 2 Contest. As part of this contest, we will improve our existing ChatBot to support additional services offered by our client.


Project Overview

Our client, Iron Mountain, has a website that you can find here. Due to limited resources, they are unable to host live chat on that website between visitors of the website and a human. They wish to use IBM Cognitive Services (through IBM Watson Virtual Agent) to create a chatbot that can act as a chat agent directing the visitors of the website to various pages on the website based on their needs.


Contest Details

Our client has a website that you need to check out. Our client wants to create a ChatBot that can respond to queries of users visiting their website. We launched a contest earlier where we only focused on the Off-Site Records Management services offered by our client.


For this contest, you need to only concern yourself with following services:

  • Digital Solutions (Capture, Digital Record Center, Workflow Automation)

  • On-Site Records Storage

  • Data Management (Disaster Recovery, Tape Vaulting, Data Restoration and Migration, IT Asset Disposition)


The visitors to our client’s website will want to know the various services offered by our client and which service suits their needs. Your ChatBot is expected to:

  1. Enquire about customer needs.

  2. Provide information about services that match their requirements

  3. Share links with the users that can provide additional information, as necessary

  4. Gather contact information. We understand that only using the Conversation Workspace, we will not be able to store this information and that is fine. Just ask for it - again, if only relevant.

  5. Direct them to Sales as needed


You need to think like our client’s clients - what requirements would you have. What type of questions would you ask to know if our client can meet your expectations. What information would you provide to help our client determine the best type of service to offer. Don’t let the ChatBot be a search engine for our client’s website - it needs to be conversational and even though it’s a bot, the conversation should be natural. Structure your dialogs well. Most importantly - FOCUS. Only deal with the services that we have mentioned above.


We will share Live Conversations with you that our client provided, which were from another website of theirs. These interactions happened between humans and not bots. Go through it to determine the type of questions and informations that users will provide.


I will also be sharing Personas with you - go through it to determine the background of the website visitor’s and the needs they have that Iron Mountain can fulfill.


Finally, I will be sharing our existing Conversation Workspace. As part of changes carried out in this contest, DON’T affect the existing conversation that deals with the Off-Site Records Management services. They need to work just as before. You are not creating a new Workspace. You will be enhancing the existing one.


Final Submission Guidelines

Create the Watson Conversation Workspace. Share your Conversation Workspace (Export it and upload the files). Optionally, host your Chatbot and share the url where we can interact with your Chatbot.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30060515