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Challenge Overview

Project Overview

Development feedback tool is a simple web application we’re building to help capturing and sharing information regarding employee performance and development within our organization.

Competition Task Overview

In previous challenges we have completed the prototype, the API and finished integrating the employee features.

In this challenge we need to get the prototype and the API integrated for all the remaining features so we have a fully working web app:
- Analyze the prototype and follow the API design and implementation to perform the integration
- Make sure all features are implementated in this challenge, if that requires some changes to the services these are in scope as well
- Provide detailed deployment and verification guides
- Maintain and update unit tests for the API if changes are made to them
- The code must be deployable as Azure Web Services / App

Please register to see the detailed spec in challenge forum.

Technology Overview

C# / .NET
SQL Server / Azure SQL Database
Angular.js 2+

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverables

- Full solution that covers all features, the solution should include both the API code and the web code.
- Detailed deployment guide and verification guide
- Updated swagger documentation that matches the final API

Final Submission

For each member, the final submission should be uploaded via the challenge detail page on


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30060640