Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

OpenAccess interface provider is a bridge between data analytics tools (that query the data via SQL) and a data source that provides the data. More specifically, the OpenAccess SDK Interface Provider provides methods in Java to exchange data between any data source and the OpenAccess SDK SQL Engine. In a previous challenge we have built an ODBC Interface Provider that uses REST API as a data source. 
In this challenge we'll use that ODBC Interface Provider abd cuild a connector for Microsoft Power BI
Power BI is a data analytics and reporting tool that can access data from various sources. Documentation for building a data connector is available at their Github page. In the github repo you can find three examples of ODBC data connectors (Impala Db, Redshift and Snowflake) - and you can use them as a starting point. 

We have two third party APIs that we can use for testing

These API's are already used by the Interface Provider so we will use them for building a sample report in the Power BI desktop. Sample queries that you can use with the interface provider are provided in the verification document.
Interface Provider is attached in the forums.

NOTE: OpenAccess has upgraded their version after this challenge started. And older oasql.jar which resides in lib folder is no more compatible with new version of Open Access Server. When deploying the IP, change the classpath to include <Progress OpenAccess Location>/ip/oajava/oasql.jar and delete lib/oasql.jar

Make sure to document your code properly, and showcase all the used features in your Deployment/Verification guide.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit the source code for the data connector
Submit the sample Power BI project
Submit a deployment and verification guide
Submit a short demo video (unlisted youtube link)


2018 Topcoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30060759