Topcoder - Review Opportunities Endpoint Updates and Tests

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In the previous challenges, we created an endpoint in ap-review-microservice to fetch the available review opportunities. In this challenge, we want to make some changes to return more meaningful data and we want to create unit tests.

Detailed requirements

We want to make the following updates to the /reviewOpportunities endpoint:

  1. Currently, if you pass an invalid token to the endpoint, the app will crash and will throw a 500 Internal Server error. We want to ensure that in case of an invalid token, the app won’t crash and it will return a proper error message (403 unauthorized).

  2. We want to support pagination. The endpoint should accept limit and offset as query parameters. Both should be optional and the default limit should be 10.

  3. For each review opportunity, we want to return the following challenge data:
    - id (Already implemented)
    - title (Already implemented)
    - version (Already implemented)
    - groupIds (Already implemented)
    - track (Required) STRING
    - subTrack (Required) STRING
    - technologies (Required) ARRAY OF STRINGS
    - platforms (Required) ARRAY OF STRINGS

  4. Create positive and negative tests to cover the /reviewOpportunities endpoint.

  5. Update swagger definition to reflect the above changes.

Please request access to the GitHub repo in the challenge forum.

Feel free to ask any question in the challenge forum.

Final Submission Guidelines

Please submit a git patch for the latest commit in dev branch and a verification document.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30061106