Challenge Summary
Good luck and let us know any questions in the forum.
Round 1
Initial Hoherberg Ski School - Scheduler Wireframe.Note: Submit as much application features as you can for early review.
Round 2
Final Hoherberg Ski School Scheduler - Scheduler WireframeNote: please address Checkpoint Feedback for your Final Round Submission
We are looking to redesign the Ski Staff Scheduler from the ground up to create something that is more robust but also allows for different "views" and levels of information depending on the user and the level of detail that they need to view. We have a few ideas of how the new scheduler could work, but we are open to your ideas and knowledge of the best user experiences as well.
Scheduler Requirements
- Needs to allow for quick and easy adjustments of the schedule
- Should have multiple "views". Daily, weekly, monthly, etc.
- Daily should be 15-minute increments. 30 min and hourly increments not needed
- Should be able to adjust an instructors schedule and move them around between classes (products) as needed
- Each instructor has specific skill sets that dictate what products they are a good fit for. For example, an instructor might be really good at teaching level 2 kids. We wouldn't want to put them in a level 6 adult class. We pride ourselves on making sure we have the perfect instructor for each product and its individual needs.
- The scheduler should account for the availability of individual instructors. Do they only work weekends, or only work in the mornings, for example. In these cases, the system should not allow the user to schedule an instructor for products that don't fit their work hours
- Need the ability to move an instructor from "off" to "on". This would just be a single day edit to their "base schedule"
- Should have multiple views:
- Product View: shows the products and time and what instructors are scheduled for each product
- Instructor View: Can see all assignments for an individual instructor
- Filtering and refinements (level of product, times, dates, etc.)
- The schedule should be easily glanceable. Whatever the layout, it should not be immediately confusing or overwhelming.
- A To-Do List of items that need to rescheduled or moved around. To-Do list items:
- New reservations coming in
- Cancellations
- Instructors unavailable (sick)
- Gaps in product inventory (more instructors needed for a particular product due to the inventory/ staff needed)
- Unassigned private reservations (does not come from product inventory)
- List of all instructors and their availability. Should also be able to view their skill sets/ data to help in scheduling.
- The system provides broad work assignments, with a few clicks as possible, can choose multiple staff, who will be assigned to Kids Advanced Group Lessons, for a specific week.
Client Ideas
- Calendar types of setup/ layout
- Products would stay stationary, but a user could click and drag instructors to rearrange and "schedule" them.
- The management team currently uses post-it notes and a calendar type grid to move instructors around. We want to replicate that same interaction digitally, but with more functionality.
- An "Auto Schedule" feature that allows the system to make the best matches based on data of each product and it's participants (clients), and the instructor's skill sets or data.
Known Product Data
- Adult Products
- Children Products
- Skill level of participants (clients) (Levels 1-9)
- Age ranges of clients
- Number of clients
- Day, Date and Time the product is offered
- Meeting location
- Length of product
- Product inventory level
- Reservable products (skiers can call in and reserve this product based on availability - like a private lesson)
Known Instructor Data
- What Adult skill level of products do they teach
- What Child skill level of products do they teach
- What age range to they work best with
- What are their foreign language skills
- What are their professional skiing skills certifications
- What are their availability and work hours
- Accounting for scheduled vacation and time off
- What is their time commitment, full time, part time plus, part time.
Previous Wireframes
- We are sharing the original wireframes as context. We are looking for something NEW based on the above requirements.
- DO NOT just rework or refine what is currently there, but show us new ideas and concepts for a better, more clear UX
Rough Wireframe Idea
- We've put together a quick wireframe of our "client idea" from above. This is in no way final or complete. It doesn't capture all of the requirements as well.
- This is just a rough start to give you an idea of what we are thinking.
- You also DO NOT need to follow this if there are better ideas. We DO NOT want to see every submission look like this :)
Information Architecture Document
- This outlines the entire future state of the application
- Note: this AI document does not match the "Previous Wireframes" shared above
- This should be used for context and for better understanding of where the "Scheduler" fits into the larger application
- Some features element that will be useful for “Scheduler” flow:
- Available Capacity
- To-Do List
- Reports
- Product Forecast
Screen Size
Desktop: 1440px(w) & height up to your design
Target Audience
- Admin
- Manager
- Supervisor
Judging Criteria
- User experience and information architecture
- Ease of use with multiple ways of working/ configuring schedule
- General layout and functionality
Submission & Source Files
Preview Image
Please create your preview image as one (1) 1024x1024px JPG or PNG file in RGB color mode at 72dpi and place a screenshot of your submission within it.
Submission File
Wireframes should be built in Plain HTML/CSS/JS or you can generate from Axure application. Other option is using Sketch with Black/White theme.
The resulting files are not critical in this Challenge. The most important point is that all the content is listed and the pages are linked together to show page flow. Keep your source files out from this submission folder.
Source Files
All original source files of the submitted ideas. If you would like to submit notes please include notes.txt file
Final Fixes
As part of the final fixes phase you may be asked to modify content or user click paths.
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.