Challenge Overview
The Hercules Player is an application that allows customers to download videos to their computer or device for offline playback, along with streaming playback of videos for online playback.
The Hercules Fog project has stripped out some key portions of the Hercules Player application into a new test application for downloading videos from a server, modifying the manifest, and then playing back on various mobile and TV devices.
The current implementation is C++ and will run on:
- Windows
NOTE: This is a very technical challenge and will require a fair bit of work in setup and testing. You will need to use Linux to test the player. Ubuntu 16.04 is your best bet.
The requirements are captured in these Gitlab tickets:
Sample player
The AAMP player will be provided in the forum. Build instructions can be found here:
Your code must be submitted as a Git patch file against the "master" branch
Base your patch file against commit hash d0c5da0e4423a30c72f3b5a1049e91b6f738f03d .
Please make sure to test your patch before submission!