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Challenge Overview

Welcome to Liquidity Management System Prototype iOS Code Challenge

For this challenge we need you to develop iPad Native application for Liquidity Management System covering balance sheet parameters like operating cash before & after, profit/loss parameters like net interest benefit, net expense benefit & interest income benefit.
The expected application is a set of screens covering operating cash break ups, requisition/currencies/country wise in both graphical (separate screen for each) & textual format.
The details of the screens is detailed in Challenge Requirements below covering incremental opportunity analysis covering region wise break up of operating cash & % breakup across accounts.
It should also have capability to define client account preferences like local currency conversion/Activ Fx management etc. in form of survey, There will 8-10 questions that will be answered as part of the survey, which talk about the client preferences

Let’s discuss any questions you have on challenge forum!

General Submission Requirements:
- All code must be written in Swift and the project must use latest XCode version.
- You must use this to build any charts/library for this challenge.
- Important: Client do not want Objective-C or Bridging approach to the Amcharts library. Please find some solution to make the Amcharts working with Swift
- Check this demo to get familiar with the Amcharts library:
- We cannot provide you the usual storyboard files, we need you build the application based on client screenshots
- Use standard font for iOS app
- Create proper size for every texts, no need to exact match, as long not too far from screenshot look
- Follow proper color for every elements in page, no need to exact match, as long not too far from screenshot look
- Suggest best library to build all page grid/layout that works with Swift
- Check this curated list of awesome iOS frameworks, libraries, tutorials, Xcode extensions and plugins, components and much more to help you build the app:
- Please ask in the forums if you wish to use any open-source third-party libs to ensure there are no license violations
- You need use FontAwesome for any icons. Find similar icon that represent the same meaning.
- Submission challenge must support iPad Screen size
- Need able to support Portrait & Landscape view
- App must support 2x and 3x assets and retina devices
- App must support iOS 10.x
- App data need loaded from JSON files
- All source code changes must be well commented and MUST follow existing coding conventions

Downloadable Files:
Google Drive:

Page Requirements:
The application is expected to have 5 screens that are created based on the attached screenshot with data in JSON with the following functionalities:

General Layout
- This general layout apply to all required pages
- On top there’s header black bar that always sticky on top. Text need to be editable, we will swap with different title in the future
- On the right side, you need display fixed sidebar
- There’s logo placeholder on top, we will swap with different logo in the future
- Follow menu buttons placement like screenshots
- On the left side, there’s another sub navigation. This can use fixed placement
- There’s logo placeholder that will be able to swap in the future
- Main content will be the only area that scrollable

0). App Icon
- Create standard App icon to open the app on iPad

Screenshot: 01-Balance-Sheet.png
JSON file: balancesheet.json
- User landing to this page after load the application
- This screen display Balance Sheet parameters showing net cash concentrated/client value created & operating cash reduced
- On the left side there are some menu links
- You need create the expand/collapse function when click the arrow
- On the main content area, TBA is the active tab. MNCP can be dead link
- No need to display Future Dec area on your submission
- Incremental Opportunity Analysis take user to screen explained below
- There’s legend on the right side of title
- Build the line chart
- As possible match every element like screenshot
- Net Cash Concentrated display USD value
- On the bottom there are 2 slider in page, no need the function.
 - Create 2 bar charts like screenshot

Screenshot: 02-Operating-Cash-Before-Graph.png
JSON file: operatingcashbefore.json
- User landing to this page after click the Regulation View under Operating Cash Before menu on the left sidebar
- This screen display Showing the balance sheet operating cash before- regulation view in a histogram
- Create bar chart format for each Regulation, Country and Currency data
- Graph and Table view options placed on the right side
- Display Operating Cash information on top
- There are 3 bar chart need displayed on page
- User need able to highlight each bar

Screenshot: 03-Operating-Cash-Before-Table.png
- User landing to this page after click Table view from Operating Cash Before page
- This screen display the balance sheet operating cash before- regulation view in tabular form
- Create table format for each Regulation, Country and Currency data
- Create alternating color for the table

Screenshot: 04-Incremental-Opp-Analysis.png
JSON file: opporunityAnalysis.json
- User landing to this page from the Incremental Opportunity Analysis button on Balance Sheet page
- This screen display incremental opportunity analysis covering region wise break up of operating cash & % breakup across accounts (pie chart and area chart)
- Solution Dashboard button need take user back to the Balance Sheet page
- There are some information below the title
- Big donut chart displaying in page
- Need able to select each slice
- Notice the transparency change when click each slide on text on top of chart
- Operating cash need display the stacked chart

Screenshot: 05-Client-Account-Preferences.png
JSON file: PrefencesQuestion.json
- User lading to this page after click form the Gear button on the right sidebar
- This screen display  Capability to define client account preferences like local currency conversion/Activ Fx management etc.
- There’s no arrow for the Main objective indicate this is the current page
- Display content with checkbox options
- Next button can be dead link

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines
- XCode Project with all source code that addresses the requirements
- Convert your submission to .ipa file for client review. Test and make sure it running well. Create documentation how to use it
- Deployment guide with configuration & verification steps. Describe all config params and include steps to run


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30062526