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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In the last challenge in the series of IBM Watson contests we want you to create an app that will suggest special offers and activities in the area, related to some celebration, and tastes of the user. More specifically, we want you to use IBM Watson Conversation service to create a ChatBot that will interact with the user to find out which celebration he thinks about, and what kind of activities he is looking for, and to make him suggestions. To look for suggestion we hope that IBM Watson Discovery News service will provide relevant information. Your solution should be deployable to the IBM Cloud. Within these restrictions you are free to choose technologies, and probably additional features, to create an impressive and fun application. Feel free to clarify your doubts in the challenge forum, or contacting the copilot privately, if you don’t want to disclose your ideas to other participants.

If you don't have IBM Cloud Account yet, please register it via this link; also consider to join the renovated Topcoder Cognitive Community, if you have not already.

This challenge will be judged by community reviewers using subjective scorecards. Although the code and documentation quality are important as always, the main focus will be to select submission that creates the best user experience within challenge requirements, and, probably, develop the proposed idea with some creative addons.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit you code, including deployment and verification instructions, and a demo video of your solution in action.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30062594