Topcoder QA Framework - Create Project Tests

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Challenge Overview

In the previous challenge, we created a QA Framework using Node.js & and we targeted some parts of the Connect application.

In this challenge, you’ll need to create a new set of test cases for the Connect application and create a helper module to make things easier.

You will find a spreadsheet attached to the challenge forum that contains details on the tests cases that need to be implemented.

Detailed Requirements

  • All tests from the provided spreadsheet must be implemented.

  • There are many types of projects in Connect thus you need to create a helper module (/test/specs/TC-ConnApp/helpers/createProject.js) to help make the project creation testing a bit “cleaner”.
    This helper module should export a function that takes 2 parameters (projectType = String, data = JSON Object). Based on the projectType, the framework should test different elements in the UI.
    The data to fill each element in the UI should be configurable in JSON file(s).


Existing code:

You will find a link with which you can access the Github repo on the challenge forum (available on registration).

Feel free to ask on the challenge forum in case of any doubt or question.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a git patch for the latest commit in develop branch.


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


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ID: 30063407