Challenge Overview
The U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs (The VA), are developing an application that will allow registered family members and the general public to find deceased veterans that buried at national cemeteries around the United States, and leave stories, photos, comments, memories, etc. to that person's profile. Approved family members or Next of Kins (NOKs) will be allowed to edit and update the person's profile information, included profile image, live events, and additional details about the person. The NOK will act as the "moderator" for the profile.

In a previous challenge we have designed the backend API based on the wireframes (swagger design available in the forums). In this challenge we want to implement the backend API.
Project repository is available here. API design is available in the forums. All the API endpoints are in scope except for email, notification and statistics.
We already have some parts of the backend implemented, and you should reuse the existing endpoints (but swagger design takes precedence). Follow the API naming conventions (camelCase) and don't introduce multiple names for the same entities. Make sure to implement the permission checks for each endpoint (user can approve/deny posts only for veterans where he is next of kin, other users can't list pending posts for veterans where they aren't next of kin, etc).
The winner will be required to submit a pull request to the repository.
Final Submission Guidelines
Submit the updated codeSubmit a postman collection for verifying the api
Submit updated deployment guide