Challenge Overview
The purpose of this challenge is to implement a set of REST API based on the swagger documentation we provide in the forum.
Here are the detailed requirements:
Here are the detailed requirements:
- Implement all the projects endpoints under the developers section, this includes implementation of all the related data model as well
- We have provided the ERD in the forum, and you can use src/main/resources/db/migration/V1__add_tables.sql to create the tables in the database. We also prepared an docker image to run MySQL with our schema and some test data. It’s described at /develop/db/ if you want to use that.
- Provide unit tests for the API
- Make sure code is well documented, all classes / methods / variables / parameters / return values must be documented in every single java code file, and appropriate inline comments should be provided too where code is not straightforward to understand
- Postman file to help test the API
- Update the swagger file if necessary
- You must build the new API on top of the base code we provided in the forum
Java 9Springboot
Final Submission Guidelines
- Full source code with all the requirements implemented, including unit tests
- Other docs like postman file, sql scripts, gradle build script, etc... as mentioned above
- Detailed readme in markdown format that describes how to configure, build, run and verify the code