VA Kidney Native iPhone App - Implement Client Feedback Challenge

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Challenge Overview

Note - This challenge has shorter submission and appeals phases

Welcome to the Kidney App Native iPhone App Implement Client Feedback Challenge. 


We are building a native mobile application that patients and caregivers can use to make smart nutrition decisions informed by their own laboratory/biometric data and personal goals. In the earlier challenges, we've built multiple screens and the corresponding functionality for those screens.

Challenge Requirements

In this challenge, we will be working off the issues present in Github based on client feedback.
The scope for this challenge involves building out all features labeled with 'Client-Feedback-Challenge' -
You are highly encouraged to ask questions on Github for each of the user stories as we do not have a detailed UI spec for each of these requirements.

Note the following:

- You need to work off the existing codebase in the repo. 
- All design assets, fonts are provided in the Github repo (details in forum)

Final Submission Guidelines

- XCode project with all source code that addresses the requirements. Please make sure your submission runs on the latest GA version of XCode - 9.3.1
- Deployment guide with configuration & verification steps. Describe all config params and include steps to run
- Demo video (Mandatory and will be scored down if not provided)
- Winner will be asked to raise a MR to the repo


2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30065580