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Challenge Overview

Welcome to Merlin Query Builder - UI Prototype Part 2 contest. We will be creating the UI prototype for an app as part of this contest.


Project Overview

Our app allows users to query a database without the need to write a SQL statement. Users can specify the sql query parameters and execute the query to get the results. The manner in which the sql query parameters are specified is through a simple form which adheres to certain business rules.


Contest Details

We ran a contest to prepare the design for our app. Now that it’s ready, we wish to implement the designs as a prototype. We want you to implement the user interface using Angular (please use version 6).


We ran a contest earlier to convert the main feature of the app to a prototype. We will now convert the remaining designs and update the prototype. Unlike the previous contest, the pages in scope are straightforward and do not have much business logic tied to them.


Points To Note

  • The width of the pages is fluid. It will expand and contract based on the screen size and occupy full width. You need to support a width of 1366px and above.

  • You need to use version 6 of Angular and update the provided app built using Angular CLI.

  • The screens need to work on IE11, latest Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox browsers for desktop. Only Desktop is in scope. No mobile or tablet versions exist.

  • You are expected to follow best practices in Angular development

  • Use texts wherever possible. Images are only for icons and logos.

  • Ensure your submission has no lint errors

  • You are not required to store any dynamic data or retrieve data during runtime. All the text will be static.

  • You can use twitter bootstrap. You need not customize the theme and can use bootstrap classes as you see fit.

Final Submission Guidelines

Zip your code base and upload it to topcoder.



2018 Topcoder(R) Open

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ID: 30065940