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Challenge Overview

In the previous challenges, we created a QA Framework using Node.js & and we targeted some parts of the Connect application.

In this challenge, we need to make the following changes/improvements:

1. Fix failing tests

Some tests are currently failing, you need to identify the changes made in the Connect application and update the failing tests.

Do not just hide/skip or delete the failing tests otherwise your solution will be rejected.

If a functionality that was removed from the Connect app, you need to discuss on the challenge forum and get the copilot’s approval for removing the tests.

2. Upload results to AWS S3 bucket

Currently, we’re uploading the test results to Dropbox as a zip file and we send a link to the zip file to a list of configured email addresses.

You need to update that logic so the results are uploaded and hosted on an AWS S3 bucket.

The idea is that once we upload the results on AWS S3, the Topcoder admins will get the link to the HTML file and will be able to see the results directly on their browser without the need to download them and serve them on a local server application.

Details on this requirement:

  • The results (whole folder) should be uploaded on an AWS S3 bucket and hosted as a static website.

  • Use the name of the test suite (eg TC-ConnApp) and the current date as the name for the uploaded folder.

  • Do not delete previous results from the S3 bucket. We should be able to have a history of test results.

  • Update the email notification service to send a link to the test results index page hosted on S3 instead of the Dropbox link.


Work based on the latest commit in the develop branch.
If you can’t access the repo, you will find instruction on the challenge forum.

Useful links:

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a git patch file against the latest commit in the develop branch and a text document explaining how to apply the patch file. Make sure to note the commit you used.

You can also submit the whole source folder so the reviewers will be able to review your submission even if your patch file is broken but if you don’t submit a patch file, the reviewers will score you down.



2018 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30065956