Challenge Overview
1. Correct instruction for quest scan: "Scan quest QR code from card" (not "board")
2. After hacker attacks, add a screen to state "Now the players move" with two buttons "Done" and "Caught hacker"
- "Done" moves to next quest prompting screen
- "Caught hacker" triggers an "Are you sure?" validation, and if answered by "yes", the game is over and the team has won
3. Add one more quest QR code: one for level-1 quests, and one for level-2 quests
4. Remove one attack QR code: we only have two now, one for each level
5. When logging in a quest answer, it should show light gray (not green)
6. Introduce smart quest timing:
- Initially for level-1 quests the time is 45 seconds; for level-2 quests the time is 60 seconds
- If a wrong answer is given, the time for the next quest rises by 5 seconds; maximum value is double the initial value If a right answer is given, the time for the next quest decreases by 5 seconds; minimum value is 30 second
7. Add auto-submit function for quests: if an answer is selected and time is running out, automatically submit it
8. Add "How to play" screens. Use the card information below and distribute on multiple screens which the user can click/wipe through
9. Add sounds
- Add configuration screen
- Turn soundtrack on/off
- Turn sound warnings on/off
10. Add "Tell me more" button on screen after "Tell me why" button was pressed – will display more background information (from quest & attack data). Show this button also if the quest was correct
11. Add highscore feature
- After starting a new game, the app will ask "Do you want to participate in the competition?" with yes/no caption
- If "no" is chosen the game will go on as before
- If "yes" is chosen an "Registration" screen will pop up with three fields "Team name:" (one-line text); "Game master:" (e-mail address). Data entered will be used next time as default value
- For each correct quest, the team gets 10 points for level-1 quests and 20 points for level-2 quests. Show the points next to the remaining time
- At the end of the game: Either if the hacker is caught, the team gets another 50 points plus a bonus of 1 point for every remaining game minute (e.g., if the game lasted 13:45, then 26:15 is left, and 26 extra points are given). Or if the hacker is not caught, time elapsed or the game was quit by the user, there are no bonus points
- The score of teams should be store locally for now
- There is no design for new screens. Developers should follow exisiting design and build from there. Any questions please ask in Forum.
- Source file will be provided in forum
- New sound files will be provided in forum
Final Submission Guidelines
- Zip file with updated code
- Modified Deployment guide and video showing changes