Topcoder - Update Logic To Create Design Forums The Same As Develop Forums

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Currently, For Design Challenges and Develop Challenges, the forums are different. For Develop challenges, we are using Jive Forum Category, like; for Design challenges, we are using Jive Forum ThreadList, like

But for forums, it is hard to manage the user permissions, so we'd like to update the logic for forum creation of Design Challenges the same as Develop Challenges.

General Requirements

1. Instead of creating forums, you are expected to update the logic to create forum category for Design challenges, the logic should be same as Develop challenges. This is actually a unification for all challenges.
2. The main related logic can be found at com.topcoder.service.facade.contest.ejb.ContestServiceFacadeBean class.
3. It is hard to test the code logic, since it is hard to setup jive forums and forums ejbs, so for this challenge, you are expected to
3.1. Make the changes.
3.2. Turn on the createForum flag in tokenization
3.3. Add enough logging to make sure the forum creation logic for design and develop are same.
4. Re
move studioForumBeanProviderUrl tokenization, the related logic should use forumBeanProviderUrl instead.

Local Setup

See for how to setup and run direct app locally using Docker and Docker Compose.

Final Submission Guidelines

- Code Changes
- Verification Steps


2018 Topcoder(R) Open


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30068230