Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives
  • Develop the backend services listed in the swagger API 
  • Postman Scripts for verification
Project Background

The purpose of this project is to build a web-based solution that lets healthy volunteers wishing to take part in a clinical trial enter their basic medical information along with the contact details of their GP. Their GP then subsequently confirms the medical information provided by the volunteer. Upon receiving the health status, the company can assess whether the volunteer is suitable to take part in the clinical study.

Technology Stack
  • Node JS (10.x LTS)
  • Mongo DB 4.0
  • Mongoose
  • Winston Logger
  • PassportJS
  • React / Vue (Frontend)

Individual Requirements

Challenge Input - The following inputs are provided in the challenge forum.
  • Swagger API
  • Web App Design
  • Backend skeleton with DB Entities.
  • Following swagger APIs are in scope
    • Security
    • User
    • CU Staff
    • Volunteer
  • Testing the end points using Postman is needed.

Deployment Guide and Validation Document
Make sure to require two separate documents for validation.

A that covers:
  • Deployment - that covers how to build and test your submission.
  • Configuration - make sure to document the configuration that are used by the submission.
  • Dependency installation -  should clearly describe the step-by-step guide for installing dependencies and should be up to date.
A that covers:

Validation of each requirement can be mentioned in this document which will be easier for reviewers to map the requirements with your submission.

Important Notes
  • Make sure to follow the best practices and the code should not have any js lint errors / warnings.
  • Use proper logging for development/test and production environments.
  • Please post in forum if you plan to use any nodejs based framework for REST API development and get it approved.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Nodejs project source code and Git Patch
  • Postman Collection for testing the end points.
  • Required documentation


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30072507