Create Test Scenarios for Project Creation Page Flow Validation

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Challenge Overview

Create Test Scenarios for Project Creation Page Flow Validation
Note: No coding is required for this challenge! Anyone can compete :)
In the previous challenges, we covered the Connect Log In, Connect app landing and Notification page flow Test Scenarios and Test Case.
Reference Sheet:
Test Scenario Sheet: Sample Test Scenario Connect App Active Page
Test Case Sheet: Sample Connect App Log In Flow Test Case Sheet
In this challenge, we would like you to create the test scenarios for list of Pages/ Modules in the below sheet,
Test Scenarios Sheet:  Connect App Project Creation Pages Test Scenario Sheet
  • Project Pages Creation
  • APP Project Pages
  • Website Project Pages 
  • Chatbot Project Pages
  • Design Project Pages
  • Software Development Project Pages
  • QA Project Pages 
Module/ Form Validation
Create a new project Form Validation
Project Pages _APP_creation_form Validation
Project Pages _Website_creation_form Validation
Project Pages _Chatbot_creation_form Validation
Project Pages _Design_creation_form Validation
Project Pages _Software_Development_creation_form Validation
Project Pages _QA_creation_form Validation
Business features:
Create project (logged in)
  - Open new project window
        Should be a modal
  - Create a project with 1 step (website, app, chatbot)
  - Create a project with 2 step /category (design, development, QAAS)
  - Fill in project details
  - Create new project
  - Cancel project creation (should redirect to starting page)
Create project (logged out) - should test that users can register and verify email flow.
Make sure to use the dev branch for testing.
Each row in the spreadsheet has a Test Scenario ID, Test Scenario, Test Users, Test Case Description, Severity, Priority, Testing Type column.
You need to cover the following testing types:
  • GUI & Navigation.
  • Field data validation.
  • Users (Customer/ Copilot/ Manager)
  • Positive and Negative.
  • Performance.
  • Functionality (SIT/ UAT)
  • End-to-End flow.
  • Error Message.
  • Business Flow.
  • Security Testing.
You will find login credentials and a sample test scenarios on the challenge forum.
You need to follow the same format.
The PM of this project will review the submissions using the subjective scorecard.
Any, invalid submission will be ignored.
There will be no appeals / appeals response phases.

Final Submission Guidelines

The updated spreadsheet. If you submit a link to your Google Drive folder containing the spreadsheet. The reviewers will verify timestamps of the files and if there was any change after the end of the submission phase, your submission will be treated, as you didn’t provide those files. 
Should you have any doubt, feel free to ask in the challenge forum!


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30072698