Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

In Signator project we develop a solution for generation and distribution of compensation reports to the client's sales representatives.
In the challenge forum you will find the link to the current codebase, a virtual machine (VM) emulating client's environment and database (DB), and related documentation. In its current state, the code extracts necessary data from the database, and generates a set of reports, that are assumed to be emailed to sales representatives afterwards. Each report is a self-contained HTML file (build with Angular), that does not require internet access, nor any other files, to be viewed in browser (you'll find example in the forum).

Final Submission Guidelines

WARNING: The Vagrant / VirtualBox machine provided for this challenge is ~9Gb download.

In this challenge you will:
  • (MAJOR) Improve HTML file generation speed:  Currently, the HTML file generation takes ~90 seconds per file.  We need to get this down ~10 seconds OR improve the concurrent generation speed.  The client is currently running the “maxRecords” config as 15. The production version of this script needs to generate ~3000 reports under an hour.
  • (MAJOR) Fix some bugs:
    • When generating a report, there’s an error saying “TOTAL_PROT_PAYMENT as undefined in analytics-file.js”
    • Export excel button is not working
    • Print button is not working on Windows.  Page render doesn’t complete and the print is blank
  • (MINOR) Improve RAM usage:  In testing, the client found that the app takes 10GB+ during a full run.  They would like to reduce RAM usage so as to save memory space for other applications.  

Technology Stack
  • Node.js
  • Angular
  • Oracle

Code Access:
Please see the forums for code access, documents, and VM. 


What To Submit

  • Submit Git patch against the commit 114bc2bcc654ac862364e3d05bb33d303b00780b 
  • a brief demo video
  • any verification instructions / notes for reviewers, you might have



Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30072969